Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
eiirene 1. GK; well its no secret that i love Generation Kill, its kind of my favorite fandom right now. Not only is the actual mini series wonderfull, but the book it is based on, the books related to it (like Lt. Fick's One Bullet Away) and the fic community around it make it such an awesome fandom!
2. Stark; ahh, Stark Sands, where do I begin? He is just kind of amazing and beautifull. He plays on Generation Kill, and this just makes him so awesome. Need proof?
A post all about his wonderfullness. Or, you could look here
stark_daily at a community
kindofdanceit and I ran that has plenty of pictures like this:
Wow so pretty:D
3. Elephants; i really dont even remember how
eiirene even knows that i love elepgants, but i really really do love them<3 maybe i squee unconsciously about them haha
4. Brad/Nate; so for those of you who dont know much about Generation Kill the pairing of Brad/Nate involves previously mentioned Stark Sands as Lt. Fick and Alexander Skarsgard as SSg. Colbert.
Yes a couple this beautiful really does exist for me.
5. Polish; I have been looking to connect with my Polish heritage, including culture, language and so on.
eiirene has always been there to help with my Polish grammar:)
Now go, comment on this and I'll give you five things that I associate with you.