Nov 16, 2006 23:39
one of my friends sent me a nudge to update, so here I am....I've been REALLY busy lately, and I tend to use my myspace more often...but here's my latest blog from my myspace posted you can see, I don't get a chance to update there much either, lol...
I know I haven't updated in a while, I've just been sooo busy...ok, here goes....
Work keeps me busy as hell. I love it, and it's probably one of the best decisions I've ever made...but it keeps me wayyyy too busy....and it's just going to get even more busy in the weeks to come. We have been crazy busy in our department, and we keep losing more and more people. I think we're down to 19 now. I'm not even sure anymore. Also, Richard talked me into joining the safety committee. I still can't believe I let him talk me into doing that, as I didn't even like the one I was on at I'm going to be on the one at UPS?? Oh well, that's life.
I'm dating someone from work right now, and it's getting more and more difficult to keep it a secret from everyone. Ugh, that stupid policy is a pain in the ass. But he's a great guy and he treats me like a princess. I can't even say the last time I was so happy, and that's definitely what I am now. Him, me, and another couple at work (that according to work isn't dating either) have a blast together every time we go out. I am soooo happy with where I am right now, and I miss my BF all the time! I'm normally not the type that needs to be with her significant other all the time...but he just makes me so happy that I want to spend time with him. Ok, I'll stop going on about this cousin, David, who I talked about before joined the army, and now he's away at submarine school. I don't know when I'll get to see him again for sure, but I am soooo proud of him!!! Oh, and if any of you family members out there have his address, let me know, ok? Thanks!
My other cousin, Tyler (who is a freshman in HS), had a HUGE marching band competition in Indianapolis last weekend, and ended up placing 5th in the whole nation!!! His school had an AWESOME routine, and his school was one of the smallest to make it to the finals, so it's a huge accomplishment!! It was great to see him and my Godmother Maureen, since they live in Florida and I never get to see them!
hmm...yeah, I think that's it for now. I'm going out Saturday with one of the girls I work with to get my hair done...
oh, and for all you Depot people, one last thing:
Guess how much work I don't do now....I HAVE FAKE NAILS!!! Yes, me!