Dear Yuletide writer 2011

Nov 19, 2011 01:50

Hello dear Yuletide writer, and thank you for offering to write these fandoms!

First, know that the simple fact that you're going to write for one of these sources is enough to make my Yuletide happy. Feel free to read on and poke around my journal/fic/recs, but all of the rest from here on is just in case you're the sort of writer who works best with details. Optional details are optional!

I'd be thrilled to get femslash of any rating, and I also gladly read gen, poly, slash and het (though admittedly I prefer my het rather on the queer side of things, or understated or non-explicit). I don't have any triggers you need to worry about, and I'm hard to squick, though I'd be happier to not read humiliation/embarrassment played for laughs or stories that assume everyone is straight. I’m in favour in all sorts of diversity in fic, and fine with fic that treats various -isms as long as that is criticised in a meaningful way rather than endorsed by the narrative.

Apart from English, I read Swedish, French and Spanish (and Norwegian and Danish, though not perfectly), if any of them would suit you better.

Among many other things, I love stories with: queer women, intelligent characters, complex or complicated relationships, poetry, language geekiness, anything and everything connected to the sea (lighthouses, salt, horizons, ships), stoic characters or with quiet strength, rebellious girls, bittersweetness, atmosphere & world-building, androgynous or cross-dressing women, dancing (especially tango), introspective character studies, revolution, genderqueerness, witty banter, love beyond the romance norm and unexpected stories or reinterpretations. And affectionate girls in love!

Suzanne - Leonard Cohen (Song). (Suzanne, Narrator.)
Tell me Suzanne’s story! How did she end up where she is, how does she live her life and what does she think about it? Or, the queer love story of Suzanne and the narrator. (Not having the narrator be a straight white man would be awesome.) A slice of life, a bit of worldbuilding, more of the poetic atmosphere of this song - anything would make me happy!

I love how this song is at once very storytelling and very atmospheric and poetic. And Suzanne absolutely fascinates me as a character, her bohemian life as a lady of the harbour who sees what other people don’t. It’s also such beautiful love story, isn’t it? If you want to focus on that, I’d love it if you make it a queer one. I don’t believe that love = sex = monogamy, and so on, and I could see that theme being a great fit for this song if you’d like playing with it.

I can also note that I’m not religious - fascinated by religious themes occasionally, open to joking with them or analysing them but weary of preachiness. If you want to make the Jesus of the song into a coldhearted harbour guard for instance, go for it. An AU of any kind would be fun. If you'd find it interesting, there’s also this interview with Suzanne Verdal McCallister, who supposedly inspired Cohen to write the song.

Sofies Verden - Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder. (Sophie.)
The world is even bigger than she thought. Take Sophie beyond the scope of the white, western male canon of philosophy. I have a lot of love for feminist, queer and postcolonial thought in particular, but you could bring in anything from any other part of the world.
Other potential ideas if you don't feel like delving into theory: Sophie/Hilde after the end of the novel, femslash or gen, or, what to do when you're a fictional girl on the loose in the wide, wide world.

Sophie's World turned my fourteen year old mind upside down the first time I read it, and I'd love for Sophie to get a little more modern revolution to shake things up. My favourite thing about the book is that feeling of endless possibilities, of the world around you not being what it seems at first glance, and I also love the character interactions, so you can’t go wrong here, really!

Literary RPF - Karin Boye

Tell me about Karin Boye - her life, her loves, her poetry - maybe a realistic slice of her life, maybe a wild alternative universe romp where she meets other writers (Edith Södergran and Virginia Woolf are my favourites of her contemporaries), maybe something focusing on the worlds/themes of her writing: the modernist, feminist and queer, the grand classical imagery? (Or the political themes from her dystopian novel Kallocain.) Femslash would be fabulous, and so would poetry geekery gen!

Boye is one of the writers of my heart. Some resources: wiki, project Runeberg, her poetry in English translation. Apart from her poetry I also adore her dystopian novel Kallocain: wiki, full text translation. Highly recommended!

For this request, I would really be thrilled to get anything from total literary geekery, historical realism, femslashy fluff or wild AUs. If it inspires you, go for it.

I hope you have fun writing!

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