Jun 10, 2004 13:53
Hey ~ whats up? Okay not a whole lot up here in New York. Umm let's see... I last updated on Monday night I believe.
Tuesday I slept in till about 11 and then my family and I left around 12:30ish to drive to Albany to meet with some other pastors and their familes in the afternoon and evening. We met at this FunPlex place and went miniature golfing. It was a lot of fun but it was soo hot outside! Probably like 90 degrees or higher, and this was NY weather!! I wonder how hot it was in Pit or BWI!! So yea we golfed until 4 something probably, and then went to one of the pastors' churches for a small little dinner get together thingy. Fun stuff... There was a group from Toccoa Falls College that was there setting up for their evening concert at 7, so we got to eat dinner with them. That was cool getting to talk to TFC graduates and other students who are going there. One year and I'll be at Toccoa! (Lord willing... all I have to do now is apply and then get accepted!) We stayed for the concert at 7 and it was really good. I also got some more info on TFC and some of the majors so that was cool. Right now I am planning on majoring in Family Ministries and having a minor in Counseling. That could still change though. We got back here to the parsonage around 10pm Tuesday night after a day of lots of fun!
Wednesday... not much went on really. I tried to get organized a little more in my bedroom. After dinner I went over to the church for the Jr. High youth group (the Sr. High ended, so we just joined Jr. hihg) and I helped the girl who leads, lead it. Man some of those boys there have absolutely no respect for authority, it was driving me crazy how they kept interrupting and stuff. Finally, being the oldest person there besides the 20-yr old leader herself, I told them they better be quiet and listen. Later on I got to teach them all the bottle game (NOT spin the bottle :-D) that we play at my Pittsburgh youth group. After YG I went in to the sanctuary and played around on the keyboard and talked with one of the girls about starting a band for the fall. Should be fun.
Today I'm not doing much. I'm working on getting a list together of everything that I need to take to Baltimore with me. I can't wait until Beachmont!! Only 4 more days and then training week starts!! YAY! It should be awesome. I am leaving here on Saturday morning, my flight leaves around 9:40 I think, and then I should be getting to Pittsburgh a little after 11am. I'll be in Pit for a couple hours (which reminds me, I need to make some phone calls!) and then I leave Pit and fly to Baltimore, getting to my grandparents around 6:30ish I think. So thats my Saturday plan!
Have a great weekend everyone, I'll keep you posted with whats going on here with me. My email address and screen name will stay the same throughout the summer. :) See ya!!! ~Em