Jun 12, 2011 16:14

Are we still tracking game buys?

No - why not!

Recent purchases:

Ebay: Psi-ops & Second sight. Should have just got second sight on steam for cheaper, but whats done is done (and its more a console experience anyway and gives me another reason to keep my ps2)

Zavii: DR WHO series 5 bluray ($40ish) - cheapest option inspired by the plottwisttastic series 6.
Halo 3 (Classics) / Crackdown 2 / Alan Wake $40ish for the 3. Need exclusives to justfy 360? But serioulsy, Im in an openworld game kinda mood at the moment, and crackdown 2 promises to scratch that itch with night time zombie bashing for bonus fun and 3 games for $40 aint bad

PSN: beyond good and evil (again) just becasue its good

Live: soul calibur - becasue MK is banned in OZ and I was in the mood for a some fighting.
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