Dragon Quest Rocket Slime DS

Sep 27, 2007 08:45

Brought 19 July $31.40au

Story mode completed (credits rolled - 100 slimes collected)

So, you are a blue blob that can stretch to attack your enemy. The "plob" have bombed your town and trapped all its residents. So off you go, streching into enemies, catching them on your head to carry them back to town while searching the world for the boxes your friends are trapped in. Along the way you collect items from the world that can be used in your tank. When you meet a sub-boss youe face off in a (non moving) "tank" - loading the cannons with objects from around the world to damage your opponent for the battle victory.

Is the game "fun"? Despite the MANY MANY puns, in truth its a little too simple for its own good. Often comapred loosely to the original Zelda, your slime only really has one attack (stretch and hit) and tank battles are little more then races to carry items to the cannons. Yes, ammo selection is important, but less so then speed. So, we aren't gettting a deep title here. At its heart its a collect em up that essentially involves finding all the items and returning them to town, with some minor navigation puzzles on the way. 100 slimes, various enemies, various "ammo" til you have them all. The playability beyind story mode is basically completing the check list and (local - no wifi) tank battles.

Its quirky, hassle free, time wasting goodness. Proberbly a little to easy for its own good. The lack of attack variations leaves it to be similar to spyro (that was completed ealier this year) in that if it had gone on another 10 hours it would have been repetitive. Still (ala pokemon) I have more things to collect to finish the checklist of items, so this one will sit around waiting for that rainy day or random 10 minutes. 8/10 at the price I paid, proberbly 6/10 if you pay retail ($70au)
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