Mar 20, 2007 21:09
That I reported completing a game.
Tonight I finished Spryo on PS1 (the first game).
Completeing Fire Emblem on the GBA and Battalian Wars on the Gamecube as suggested in the June entry 1/2 happened. I DID finish Fire Emblem, but not its GBA & game cube sequals and I havn't yet played past the first 3 missions of Battalian Wars.
Anyway - Spyro -- It has to be concurred with most opinons that Haudnted Towers and Treetops are the most challenging missions, but also commented that this game is really fairly easy for 90% of the time. I LOVED its simplicity though. Too many games now days for for the realisem/RPG elements and miss out on the fun.
Still, another 10 levels to this game would have proberbly started to bore without some new concepts (spyro only has two attacks, and enemey defences pretty much boil down to invunurbility to one of these) -- the game was the right length. But Gnasty Gnorc (the villian) was a REAL let down. No boasting cut-scence (in fact no vocal challenge at all) and taken down with a single fire burst? How did this guy get to be the boss??
Anyway, in the end Spyro was fun and I have managed to push pixels around the screen to collect 120% of the items (yes 120% --- 20% comes from the bonus level after beating Gnasty Gnorc) and now have only to improve my flying level times (but given the tight time limits imposed in game that is proberbly a tough call)
Anyway taking bets in which game inspires me enough to fully "complete" next?? (and as before complete mean finsih story mode as a geeral rule)