We're not calling it Babe 10/?

Jun 13, 2015 19:46

Chapter 10

With the tension finally gone Dean felt just drained and with another yawn he crawled under the covers not much later. The bed was as comfortable as it looked and it was almost as comfy as his memory foam mattress at home.

Without waking up Mac snuggled closer and when Dean fell asleep he had his arm around the little guy who slept with his back pressed against Dean's chest.

A wet snout to the face woke him up in the morning which was not his favorite way to wake up but when he blinked his eyes open and looked into the depths of a piggy nostril he couldn't help but smile.
"Morning, sunshine." He murmured, voice still sleep rusty, and reached out to scratch Mac behind the ear. The pig hummed with closed eyes for a moment but then he butted his head against Dean's hand in an urgent manner.

"You need to go outside?" Dean guessed. Mac made a happy sound which Dean translated as "Stupid human got it in one".

Dean heard the shower running so he didn't even bother to turn around to see if his brother was dressed for a walk with the pig.

"Just give me a sec to put some pants on." Dean muttered and rolled out of bed. By the time he was decently dressed, Mac had started whining at the door.

"Your turn." If pigs could roll their eyes Mac would have done that right now, Dean was sure of that, but he stood still long enough for Dean to put him in the harness and click the leash on. "Okay, Mac. Puppy time."

Dean couldn't tell if the pig was working his glamor or not so he just had to trust Mac on this. Dean opened the door and peered outside. The motel was packed so there were people around but nobody paid him or Mac any attention. Mac held out until they reached the end of the building where some trees separated the parking lot from the street. He didn't have to been told twice, he just darted forward and did his business at a tree.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Dean asked when Mac started to explore the area. Today they would work on the case which meant interviewing a whole bunch of people. For Mac it meant a boring day, sitting around or waiting in the car while the humans talked. So it was probably a good idea to burn some energy now.

Dean got his phone out and sent a quick text to Sam, telling him that they were out to get some coffee.

It was the middle of the week and still early in the morning but the town was busy. Dean wasn't sure if he wanted to be there when people would actually have time to enjoy the fair in the afternoon.

There was a diner just down the street but Dean was in no hurry to get there. He let Mac set the pace and the pig took his time, exploring every inch of the way.

Not that Mac was the only reason for their delay.

"Aren't you adorable?" A young woman crouched in front of Mac and Dean couldn't help but notice the clear view he had on her cleavage. Dean made a mental note to take Mac outside more often, it seemed like a good way to meet people. They had a nice little chat and when they parted Dean couldn't help but smile. He should probably question if Mac was doing something here but for once he just enjoyed it.

The didn't make it far before they were stopped again.

"Golden Retriever? Great dogs." An older guy with his own dog on a leash said. "This is Josephine. She's a dachshund."

Dean fought the urge to say "Gesundheit." and just smiled while he guy told him about Josephine's bloodline and how much time it took to groom her every day and how picky she was with her food. After two sentences Dean tuned him out and watched the two animals instead.

Mac was clearly curious, pulling at his leash, while Josephine backed off with a warning growl. For a moment they just stood there, watching each other with wary interest on her side and barley concealed enthusiasm on Mac's. All Mac saw was probably a new playmate but what Josephine saw, Dean was not quite sure. The way the short legged dog eyed the other "dog", Dean was pretty sure that Mac's glamor didn't fool her at all. Good to know. He wondered if all animals could see right through it. And what about supernatural beings? He should put Sam on research on that.

When they finally reached the diner, it was packed.

"Good thing we didn't come to sit here for breakfast." Dean muttered under his breath. The word lucky hung in the back of his mind but he ignored it with a glance at Mac who innocently stood pressed against his leg. With so many people around the pig stayed glued to Dean but he watched everything around him with interest.

Dean ordered coffee and breakfast to go and had to wait quite a while before his food was prepared. At least he was lucky and got the first cups from a fresh pot of coffee. He didn't even bother to glance at Mac.

"And something for the cute little fellow." The waitress put another container into the bag. "Just some kitchen scraps." She explained and handed Dean the bag.

Dean thanked her and payed for the food but he couldn't help but wonder if this was because of Mac's luck thing going on or because of his cuteness in general.

When he unpacked their breakfast back at the motel room, Dean found not only bits of meat in the container like he had expected but also pieces of apple and melon, a few grapes and bits of pancakes soggy with syrup. Not exactly what he would give to a dog. Mac however, being a pig, had his snout in it before Dean could put the container on the floor.

He looked smug for a pig.

Dean just shook his head and dug into his own breakfast.

"There's not much I could find out about this murders online." Sam brought up the reason they were here. "Looks like the police is keeping a tight lid on this."

"With the fair going on? No surprise here." Dean took a sip of his coffee. "Especially if they don't have any suspects."

"Yeah." Sam skimmed through the few notes he had. "They probably don't want to risk a panic."

"So, police station first?" Dean asked and Sam just nodded. He was already dressed in his suit.

A quick shower later Dean buttoned up his dress shirt while his mind was on Mac who had made himself comfortable on Dean's bed again.

"You think we can take him with us?" He really didn't want to leave Mac in the car for a longer period of time.

Sam gave him a shrug. "We can always say he's a police dog in training."

Dean just nodded and hoped that nobody would actually ask.

Five seconds after they had entered the police station Dean knew he would take Mac everywhere he could get away with it. The change in the attitude was amazing.

Usually when they introduced themselves as FBI agents the police officers became wary. Nobody liked it when the FBI showed up and tried to tell them how to do their job. With Mac around nobody really paid attention to Sam and Dean, everybody was just cooing over the cute little Golden Retriever puppy.

There were several offers to look after Mac while the officer in charge, a stern man in his fifties who fell for Mac in two seconds flat, gave them the details of the case. In the end Dean wasn't even sure who had taken Mac with them and he just hoped that he would get his pig back later. This was a police station, there were laws against pig stealing, right?

"He's going to be so spoiled." Dean sighed but then focused on what Officer Adams had to say.

"Two victims." The man said but the so far hung unspoken in the air between them. "Melissa Nolan and Frank Lane. Both dismembered in their beds." He showed them pictures of the crime scenes.

It looked like Freddy Krueger was their prime suspect. Dean whistled through his teeth.

"We don't need a stretcher in there. We need a mop!" He said and looked around, waiting for their reaction. Both, Sam and Officer Adams, just stared at him. "C'mon. Nightmare on Elm Street? Anyone?"

Sam's expression turned into something pained while the officer cleared his throat and started talking about the case again. Dean sighed.

Apparently the two victims didn't know each other, Melissa lived in town while Frank had been on his way through. As far as the police could tell they had never met.

Melissa had been found by her sister when she brought over her kids for Melissa to babysit, thankfully the kids hadn't seen anything, while Frank had been found in his motel room by a maid. There was nothing stolen and there were no signs of a fight or forced entry.

"Listen, gentlemen." Officer Adams braced himself on the desk. "I have no idea who did this or how but I want this to stop. My superior is breathing down my neck, he wants this solved as quickly as possible without disturbing the fair." He paused, making eye contact first with Dean then with Sam. "This is a small town and this fair is a big deal. Lots of tourists, lots of money. I couldn't care less but this is politics." He sat back in his chair, hands raised in a defensive manner.

"Don't worry, we're going to be as discreet as possible." Sam hurried to assure him.

"Just get this bastard." The man grumbled.

Sam had his nose already in the file but now he looked up. "The coroner seems to prefer the animal attack theory because of the way the bodies were ripped apart and the missing parts which were probably eaten. What makes you think it was a person?"

Officer Adams gave him a stern look before he answered. "As far as we can tell both victims were in their sleepwear and they were murdered in their beds. No forced entry." He tapped with his finger on that part of the report. "Does that sound like an animal to you, Agent?"

Dean bit back a smile, usually it was their job to point out things like this.

"Maybe somebody with some kind of pet." Sam mused aloud but Dean knew that in his head he was already making a list of supernatural nasties that could be responsible. A closed door didn't mean anything.

They left Officer Adam's office with a copy of the file and the promise to keep each other updated.

"Okay, where is my pig?" Dean asked when he swept the station with his eyes but found no sign of Mac.

"Over there." Sam pointed at an open office door from where voices and laughter carried over to them.

They found Mac in the middle of the room where he played fetch with a young officer. Five more people stood around them, watching and laughing at his antics.

"Excuse me." Dean pushed his way into the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I need my dog back now."

There were quite some disappointed ohs and goodbye pats for Mac and at least three biscuits. And Dean had to promise to bring him again next time.

When they finally stepped outside Dean took a deep breath.

"Well, that was unexpected." He checked Mac over but the pig seemed to be okay. A little exhausted maybe and he was limping again, his leg was still healing, but all in all he looked very pleased with himself. He snuggled up in his nest at Sam's feet without complaint.

"Where to first?" Dean asked while Sam leaved through his notes.

"I'd say Melissa's place first." Sam answered. "Then her sister's. And Frank last." He closed his notepad. "Guess which motel Frank stayed at."

Chapter 11

mark of cain, sam winchester, supernatural pet, dean winchester, season 10, bunker

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