Title: The Centaur Hunt
Category: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Rating: PG
Pairings: none
Warnings: none
Summary: Dean is overthinking the situation. Drabble.
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just playing with other people's toys.
The Centaur Hunt
Sam loads the guns with iron rounds and hands one to Dean. "Aim for the heart."
Dean takes the gun, thinking. "Which one?"
"The heart in the human part or the heart in the horse part?" He pauses. "I'm not sure if I know where a horse has its heart."
"Ehm." Sam fiddles with his own gun.
"How does a Centaur even work, anyway?" He's warming up to the topic. "Is the horse part ingesting human poop? Because, man, that's just gross."
"Just shoot it." Sam snaps.
Dean snickers.
"What now?"
"Ever pictured a Centaur grazing?"
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