O Brother, Where Art Thou? 9/9

Jul 10, 2013 12:22

Chapter 9

I closed my eyes. Every breath tore through my body turning my chest into a bloody mess of hot agony while I couldn't really feel my arms or legs anymore. Everything was centered in that hole the blade had ripped through me.

Dean's heartbeat drummed in my ears and the smell of blood was heavy in the air. For a second my mind was clear enough to wonder how badly Dean had been injured but all thoughts drowned in blinding pain a breath later. There was only agony. And the need to feed. My body screamed with every cell for blood and I fought my instincts to not launch for Dean. Not that I'd have been able to actually reach him.
I think I begged for him to end it.

"How much do you need?"

The question didn't make sense. I blinked and slowly turned my head enough to see Dean.

"Blood." He answered my unspoken question. "How much do you need?"

I still blinked at him in confusion, trying to figure out what he was talking about. He didn't mean what I thought he meant, didn't he?

"I can't ask that from you, brother." I wanted it, I needed it. But feeding on Dean? Even with my sluggish mind I refused to do that. I'd rather die.

Despite my protest Dean already had his knife in hand and was about to cut himself.

"You're not asking." Suddenly the smell of blood was there. Close, alive, there. "I'm offering."

My instinct of self-preservation kicked in and ignoring the pain I went for the blood with bare fangs and a growl deep in my throat.

The sudden spark of pain caused by the movement nearly knocked me out but it cleared my mind at least for the moment.

"I would kill you." I panted but he brought his cut forearm closer to my mouth. Against all instincts I drew back and fought to gain control over my vampire side.

"You won't." Dean locked eyes with me and with that his bleeding wrist touched my mouth. I pressed my lips together and tried to turn my head but with his other hand Dean hold my head firmly in place.

"I trust you."

The blood was on my lips, the rich smell in my nose and every nerve in my body vibrated with need. And with that I lost every self-control I had.

I drank. I fed. I gorged.

The little voice in my head screaming for me to stop was just a faint echo in the back of my mind. Lost in Dean's rapid heartbeat I fed.

He won't stop me. The realization hit me, hard. Dean wouldn't stop me. He'd said he trusted me and he'd let me drink him dry to prove his point. That thought sobered me. Instantly.

"Enough." I pushed him away. Falling back I felt the blood streaming though my body, my veins. Finally the pain abated and I could breath again. It wasn't enough to repair all the damage and I wanted more, needed more, but it was enough to bring me thorough.

For a moment I just lay there and let the pain fade away. Becoming more aware of my surroundings with every minute I noticed that Dean wasn't hovering over me.

"Dean?" I sat up slowly.

Dean lay next to me, pale and with beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Dean!" What had I done?

For a long second I thought he was dead, that I'd killed him after all. But then I caught the faint beating of his heart.

"What were you thinking?" I muttered and checked the fresh wound on his wrist. The cut was now ragged by my teeth and was still seeping blood but for once it didn't trigger my instincts. On Dean's thigh waited a more or less clean cloth already folded so it could be used as a bandage. He must have used something from one of the dead vampires.

Dean had planned this. He'd seen how damaged I was and he'd planned to let me feed on him even before I'd told him where to find the portal out of Purgatory. That was ... I didn't have words for that.

Carefully I tended his wound and waited for him to wake up. His heart was the only thing existing in my world now. With every weak beat I feared it would be the last.

After endless minutes he stirred. His eyelids fluttered and a soft moan escaped his mouth and I breathed easier.

"You with me?" I asked and his eyes focused on me. A smile ghosted over his face.

"It worked." His voice was barely a whisper and he didn't move for another minute or so.

"It worked." I couldn't deny that. "What were you thinking? I could have killed you."

"You didn't." He closed his eyes and then pushed himself in an upright position. He swayed but caught himself. Panting he let his head hung.

"We should get out of here." He said when he'd caught his breath. "Too many dead bodies around here."

Mostly healed I was the one who got to his feet first. Dean took my hand and let me help him to stand up.

"You alright?" I asked and had to stabilize him around the waist. The fact that he let me was proof enough that he wasn't alright.

"Dizzy." He admitted which wasn't a surprise with the blood loss.

"You need some water and a place for the night." I hoped that would be enough. "You'll feel better in the morning."

I more or less dragged him through the forest for the next hours until I felt safe enough to stop. Then I watched over him the whole night while he slept like a rock. He did look better in the morning.

After a night without sleep and my body still recovering from the injury I shouldn't feel that alive but I did. We could do this, together we could get out.

"Let's find that angel of yours, brother." I offered Dean my hand to get him standing. He took it.

"Let's do that." Dean looked at me, still too pale but with a grin on his lips. "Brother."

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benny, season 8, outsider pov, purgatory, dean winchester

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