You Bastards! 2/8

Jun 09, 2012 21:11

Chapter 2
Dean stumbled into the room in the middle of the night. Not like a cat, not like fricking batman. He stumbled like a slightly drunk Dean.

Sam raised his head just enough to make sure it was Dean and not somebody or something else and then let himself drift back to sleep. At least Dean did his best to be quiet while he made his way through the room.

When Sam woke up in the morning Dean was still fast asleep. Letting his brother sleep for another while Sam got dressed and sneaked out of the room to get some coffee. After such a short night Dean would need a good dose of caffeine and breakfast consisting mostly of sugar and grease. Without that his brother would be a pain in the ass. A more painful pain in the ass, Sam corrected his thought. With a day in the car ahead Sam was willing to do anything necessary to increase Dean's mood.

"Maybe he'll sleep a few hours in the car." But Sam doubted it. Not with his luck.

When he came back to the motel Dean's bed was empty and Sam heard the shower running.

"You better brought some coffee." Came his brothers voice through the bathroom door. "I love me some coffee."

"An extra large vanilla frappuccino with extra caramel cream." Sam grinned and set the table.

"You wouldn't dare." Only with a towel around his waist Dean stepped out of the bathroom eying the things on the table closely. A sigh of relief on his lips he noticed the normal cups of coffee. The smell alone should have given him a clue.

"Get dressed before it gets cold." Sam dug into his fruit salad and pancakes. From the corner of his eye he could still see Dean who had tossed the towel on the bed. "Dude, I'm trying to eat. Could you hold your ass in another direction?"

"Would you rather see the front?" Dean pulled his boxers on and was now searching for his jeans.

"Hell, no!" Concentrating on his food Sam fought the mental images in his head. At least Dean didn't seem to suffer from hangover. Thank god for small mercies.

Finally dressed Dean sat down and took a sip of his coffee.

"Ahh." He sighed his eyes closed. "That's what gets you going in the morning and not that girly stuff you call coffee."

"Whatever." Sam unfolded the newspaper he had picked up on the way. "Get finished, it's a long ride ahead. And before you say anything, I'll drive. At least the first turn."

Of course Dean had to argue about that but he caved in way to easy. A sure sign he wasn't at one-hundred percent after the last night. Sam avoided to think about what had his brother exhausted more the alcohol or the girl.

Despite the dose of caffeine Dean was asleep before they left town. Smiling at his brother Sam turned the radio to a low level.

They took it easy and stopped early for the night. They would reach South Park sometime in the afternoon the next day which was fast enough for Sam's liking. No need to rush.

With his pocket full of money Dean was in a generous mood and the motel he picked was one of the better ones. Sam sighed at the thought of a hot shower with actual water pressure and a bed with soft covers and no suspicious strains. After they settled in they went to a nearby diner for dinner.

"So about this case." Dean said after the waitress took their orders. "Find anything else?"

"Not about the kid … or kids or whatever." Sam shook his head. "But for such a small town there are quite a lot celebrities showing up there. I don't know. This town gives me just a weird feeling."

Dean looked at him. Hard. And Sam felt the need to reassure him with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Okay." Dean dropped it, his attention on the waitress who brought their food.

"If you need anything else ..." She leaned way more into Dean's personal space than needed to serve the plates but his brother didn't seem to mind. Sam rolled his eyes.

"I'll let you know." Dean answered with a smile. She actually blushed before she hasted away.

"She is cute." Dean followed her with his eyes till she disappeared in the kitchen.

"Dude, you were out last night." Sam said in disbelieve.

"What? Am I on a curfew or something?" Dean asked around a mouthful of burger. He had ketchup on his chin.

"You are disgusting." Not sure himself if he meant his brother's table manners or sex life. Concentrating on his food Sam tried to ignore Dean.

"Relax, I'm not looking for a date." He chuckled. "But maybe you should. You are a bit cranky."

Sam couldn't help but laugh. "That's your solution for everything, right? Sex?" He paused for a moment. "And food?"

"Don't forget the hunt. Nothing better than to kill an evil son of a bitch." He said last part in a low voice so nobody could overhear it. The last thing they needed was an upright civilian who had nothing better to do than to cause trouble.


After dinner they went back to their room and Sam took the shower he had lusted for since they had arrived in that motel. It was even better than he had expected.

"Dude, you have to try the shower." A sigh on his lips he laid down on the bed. The covers were as soft as they looked like. He had his eyes closed but he felt Dean watching him. Without opening his eyes he asked: "What?"

"I hope you cleaned the shower. I seriously don't want to find anything."

"Find what?" Sam opened his eyes but the bed was just to comfortable to get up.

"Dude, you were in the bathroom forever. Then you came out a silly grin on your face and making happy noises. And now you are to exhausted to even lift your head. You tell me what I could find."

It took Sam a second to put together what his brother meant. "No, I didn't ..." He jump-started from the bed heat burning in his cheeks. "I …"

Dean cracked up laughing. "You should see your face." He burst out. "Your face."

"Ha ha, very funny." Sam watched his brother who had to sit down on his bed before he would just collapsed on the floor, tears of laughter in his eyes.

"It is." He could barely speak. "It is funny."

"OK, it's a little funny." Sam had to admit, a smile on his face.

After a dreamless night - the bed must had been made in heaven - they were on the road again in the morning. If nothing unexpected happened they should arrive in South Park in the early afternoon.

"So this is South Park." Dean said as they passed the city limits. "Not very impressive."

"Which town we have ever been to was impressive?" Sam snored but straightened in his seat to take a better look. A main street with a few shops and bars, dirty snow on the sidewalks.

"OK, let's find ourselves a room and then take a look around."

"Sounds like a plan." Sam nodded. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something orange. "Dean! Watch out!"

"Sonofabitch." Dean slammed his foot on the pedal. Tires screamed on the asphalt. Sam braced himself on the dashboard waiting for the impact. For a split second he thought they made it. But then the car hit something solid.

Sam stared at the cracked front windshield. Blood. There was blood on the cracked glass. For an eternity all Sam could hear was the beat of his heart racing in his chest. Then he heard high kids voices cut through the silence.

"Oh my god. They killed Kenny."

"You bastards!"

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continue to chapter 3

sam winchester, dean winchester, spn/south park, crossover

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