Jul 26, 2004 22:15
The title sums it all up pretty well. There really isn't much going on in my life right now, outside of my various RPs. XD That IS life, right now. Which is probably one reason why it's good I convinced Mr. Peitz to let me go to freshman bandcamp despite the fact that I'm not a freshie, and not an upper classman. XD
If you care, please continue and read all of my stylish RP news!
Kit Ikranos: Is reforming the Seven Stars, and that's going quite well. She's back up to what... six? now that Liam is back. :3 Also, she's roped Tristan pretty well. Go Kit! *Cheers and w00ts go here*
Ikoni Merader: Formulating plans and doing his er... usuals. XD Is now a High Codex of the Codex Chaos. That pleases him. Also pleasing him is Nehinah's joining the Codex as well.
Alyx: Has finally gotten a step further in his goal of becoming a mage! He now has himself apprenticed to a "creepy" guy, who is a renegade mage and a grave-robber. (eep.) Who knows all that Nehinah is plotting for him... >_> He's a quick learner, though. He managed to freeze half of poor Nehinah's furniture, and has found endless amusement in the light cantrip. XD <3