May 01, 2004 21:37
Alright. Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start~ *breaks out of corny-mode* Hah! Speaking of corn, I shall now tell an amusing story about hypocrites, from the book of today.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emily who went by Em or Eme, or Jap, if you happened to be one of her self-proclaimed minions. She and some of her crazy-arse friends were at the mall, wandering around, and having a good time creating their usual levels of havok. Despite this fact, that her crazies were with her, there was also an odd ball with them. One who likes the more "popular" stores... American Eagle, for example. Therefore, they did not go in the shops with this girl, Beth.
This sparked a bit of grumpiness from one of the three adults present. As the crazies and Em waited outside the shop for the one named Beth, they talked among themselves of Preppies and stuck-up people. The adult was not happy. She gave a brief lecturing on why you shouldn't label people, and blah blah. Em was a clever girl though, and retorted intelligently to all said remarks, explaining why they were not labeling, and why they only marked people they bothered to get to know first. This did not satisfy the grown-up.
Moments later, a group of mid to late teen boys walked by in black, bedecked in safetypins, on in a Korn shirt. One of them waved to Em, and Em waved back happily. This is how she met most of her current friends, afterall. Random meetings where crazy people waved at her for no apparent reason. Beckoning to her and her two crazy friends, the guy called out, "Hey! Follow us!" Em could smeeeelll a friend in the making.
"No." was the firm resounding sound from the mouth of the grumpy adult. Her face clearly stated that she didn't like the look of the boys, but that was confirmed as she looked them over again.
Em was then enlightened as to how the minds of some adults work. "As long as my advice works to my advantage and/or manipulates the children, it's good! But if I don't like how it will turn out, than I can JUST as easily pretend I NEVER said any of it!"
Pfft. Don't judge by appearances MY ASS. Because my dear woman, that's exactly what you did.
Yeahhh... needless to say I went and talked to them anyway, right? XD