What is wrong with the world today? Why do we have to argue with everything? Why do we find ways to prove someone wrong? Why do we have to see it before we will believe it?
I was asking myself all these questions and more after sunday school today. Just last week we talked about an article about prayer in the paper. Scientist did a study on whether or not prayer works. Hello... What is with that? Do we not have enough faith to know that prayer works. Why do we need to test God. Because in my opinion that is what we are doing. We are saying, ok God we want you to show us if you actually do answer prayers. Even then, we do not know Gods will. So really, I do not know how they can say if the test worked or not. I am not sure if this is the article my aunt was talking about but this has to do with it...
http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/opinion/editorials/060403a.shtml Then today we were talking about an article in the paper about Judas. Some want to say that they have found the documentation saying that he (Judas) is really a hero. That Jesus was the one who made Judas betray Him. So all of the sudden the bible is fake. We as Christians can not let this happen. We have to turn this world around. We need to bring back the love, compassion, faith, trust... that we as Christians have for our most wonderful Savior...why are we not taking a stand...I know there are things I need to do. Things I could have said and didn't. But it is never to late! The amazing thing is...God will forgive us all! He will forgive us for having to spend billions of dollars trying to find out if prayer actually works...He will forgive us for not trusting His word. We are so unworthy. And yet, He welcomes us with open arms.
I don't know why this got me so fired up...I guess I just think about were the world is going. Think about what we find important today? Is God the first thing on that list? What will happen in the future if we don't speak up?...What will our children have to grow up seeing and reading? Just something to make you think.
God Bless