A faint Line 2U fiction story

Dec 09, 2012 02:39

Title: A faint line
Pair: Yunho/Yoochun, Changmin/Junsu, Broken Jaejoong/Yoochun, Broken Taecyeon/Jaebum(only mention), Jaebum/Jessica, Broken Jung Sisters (only mention)
Genre: AU
Rating: Pg-13
Length: 5/13 parts (Prologue, 9 Chap, 2 side stories & Epilogue)
Warning: Characters death (some are just mention)
Summary: It’s a faint line… A semblance of love
A/N: Title taken from Azure Ray song Just a faint line. Idea inspired by the anime Loveless. Powerful but in a lot of heartache Yoochun, Cool and Powerful Minsu, Regretful Yunho and Jaebum/Jessica just to indulge myself. The summery doesn’t help to summarize the story but is just because is a hard to explain in short words. Thou those two lines of the song can sum up what I’m aiming for this story.
A/N2: Beware of wrong verb tenses. If someone is kind enough to help me with that I will recieve you with open arms. I've been working with this for a long time ebbie28 knows how long. I have all the plot type down by chapter so I know how long it will be. As some of you know Im extremely slow with updates and writing but I think (hope) most of the time I make worth the time of waiting (if not Im deeply sorry). Comment if you like what you read and if theres a question ask away.
A/N3: After a bit over two years here is finally chapter 4!!!!!!!! Is really late...(2:30am) and my eyes can no longer see my own mistakes so as always feel free to point them out politely (my ego gets bruise easily hahahahaha). Hopefully I will upload chapter 5 soon enough! Enjoy!

Chapter Four

Yoochun found himself stuck with the Collector. He didn’t like it at all and the worst part was that somehow the guy managed to make himself a place in his little apartment. Yoochun thought that he was beyond screw. The worst part was that he not only was stuck to the guy, he was letting him eat, sleep, use space and use water for free. Yunho was doing nothing, just being a lazy mass in his home. Yoochun was fed up by the Collector and gave him an ultimatum. Help or leave.

Yunho didn’t help. He didn’t felt the need to help a runaway vessel. His only job and his only occupation is to collect Yoochun’s power and go back to his home as soon as possible but the task itself was getting too difficult. Seeing the lack of effort from Yunho, Yoochun started to make just enough food for him and left Yunho without food. One morning Yunho was in the shower when the water went off. He scream Yoochun’s name and walked out of the shower with half of his body lather with soap. Yoochun just laugh at Yunho screaming his name and walked to his work. After that, every morning before leaving for work he turns off the access of water to his apartment, leaving Yunho hungry, thirsty and sometimes smelly.

They got into fights over the matter a couple of times. Yoochun tried to kick Yunho out of his apartment and Yunho tried to extract Yoochun’s power. The fight always ended by both writhing in pain. “I’m tired of this Yunho. You have to cooperate if you expect me to let you stay here. I don’t even know why I’m letting you stay but I’m not as heartless as you are. Cooperate or I will go out of my ways to find who can help me kick you out of here for good.” Yunho wiped a bit of blood on the side of his mouth before nodding. He then found a job in a gas station across from the supermarket Yoochun work in.

When Yunho got his first paid he went to the supermarket and bought groceries for both. He didn’t know why he did that but part of him reminds him to be grateful. No vessel will do what Yoochun was doing for him. It seems little, but considering their situation it is a great gesture from Yoochun to Yunho.

Yoochun was surprise to see Yunho arriving with bags full of groceries. He was so surprise that he couldn’t help Yunho accommodate everything. And with this little gesture, thing between them settle in a small routine that suit both of them. They stop fighting. Yoochun stop being so paranoid around Yunho and Yunho thought everyday less about removing Yoochun’s power. This change led them to start getting to know each other. They usually talk about how was their day at work and talk about the people in town. Yoochun never reveal to Yunho that he was practicing with Jessica and Jaebum. Yunho just knew that he visited them and he made it clear that Yunho was totally uninvited. And they clearly never talk about their past.

Days passed by and Yoochun find himself being aware of little things of Yunho that he shouldn’t. Like how young Yunho looks when he is laughing, how Yunho always leans back and claps his hands every time his really laughing at something. That after so much nagging on his part Yunho stop squeezing the toothpaste from the middle and started squeezing from the top to the bottom. And how warm he felt when after a long day of work and practice he arrives home to a hot meal and a smile from Yunho.

Yoochun found it adorable the continuous blinks whenever Yunho is listening to whatever he is saying. Sometimes he even counts mentally the blinks. The rhythm usually being one blink, two blinks, one blinks, three blinks, one blink and it repeats the same pattern.

The similarities to his friendship with Jaejoong pained him deep in his chest and the differences between both guys slap him square on the face. Yoochun didn’t know what to do anymore. He was getting too comfortable. He sometimes felt exactly how he felt when Jaejoong was around. Yoochun needed to stay away from Yunho, to stop the comfortable feeling before it turn into something he couldn’t reverse it.

So he worked and trained. When he couldn’t train with Jessica he spent the rest of the hours avoiding Yunho. Yoochun only step inside his apartment when it was time for him to sleep. He hoped the first times for Yunho to be asleep but he found that Yunho was good at staying awake, like Jaejoong his mind provide him.

Yunho knew Yoochun was avoiding him and part of him was thankful and part of him loath it. When it comes to Yoochun, Yunho was a mess of contradicting emotions. He wanted to talk to him, spend time with him, hear that deep voice but at the same time he wanted to be alone. He wanted to figure it out how to do his job and go back to his home. Yunho was getting used to being around Yoochun. He sometimes finds himself liking it, some days he didn’t miss home and he was scared to feel like that. He was scared to disobey the rules that he knew and that directed his life. But every day Yoochun’s avoidance left a bitter taste in his mouth and a cold ache in his heart. Yunho for the first time in his life, not even when his little sister died, felt helpless.


“Yoochun you aren’t focus enough.” Jessica yelled from the other side of her house backyard. “I’m trying damnit.” Yoochun yelled back at her cursing under his breath. “Clearly you aren’t trying enough, so please stop wasting my time.” Jessica said flipping a strand of her hair away from her face. Yoochun stretch his shoulders before motioning Jessica to keep going.

“Jess, you should piss him of.” Jaebum said gently and put his hand on her back. Jessica scoffs before attacking Yoochun. Yoochun easily avoid it before attacking Jessica and missing just by few inches. Yoochun could hear Jessica screaming ‘come on’ before he closed his eyes and search for any powerful emotion.

Yoochun too quickly found himself thinking about Jaejoong and remembering the last time they were together. He remembered pressuring Jaejoong to do something about the guys robbing the place their where in. He remembered how hurt he was that Jaejoong could have doubt his power as a vessel. He remembered how painful was to see Jaejoong’s life spilling from a hole on his body, bright red staining dirty floors.

Only Jaebum’s yanks on his body and Jessica’s incessant screaming brought him back to reality and away from his memories. He didn’t know he was on his knees. “What the hell you did?” Jaebum asked him and he looked, really looked at Jaebum and Jessica. They were both sweating and Jessica somehow had a broken lip and a cut on her left arm. Yoochun quickly wanted to apologize but he only could open his mouth to spit blood.

He looked at Jaebum and Jessica with wide eyes before taking note of his bloody nose and scattered bruises in his body. “What happened?” Yoochun asked Jaebum “That’s what I want to know. Yoochun what type of emotions you were using for your attacks?” Jaebum said to him looking directly at his eyes. And Yoochun had to be completely honest to himself for a minute that he didn’t and did know what the feeling was.

Yoochun lied and said he didn’t know, that he was searching for an emotion and then they were yanking at him and screaming at him. Jaebum looked at him like he didn’t really believed him before Jessica pulled him away and help them back to the house.


To say that Yunho was worried about Yoochun was a bit of an understatement. For days Yunho saw how Yoochun walked in the apartment with bruises, some old and some new, and he didn’t know how Yoochun got them. The avoidance was still in full force but it wasn’t as uncomfortable as when Yoochun started avoiding him and Yunho could safely say that it was because of how exhausted Yoochun was with all the bruise on his body. Yunho didn’t know how to address it or ask about it because he wasn’t sure if it was his business. So Yunho stick to always make sure that the aid kit was always full with everything Yoochun might need to tend his injures. Yunho tried to make himself as sure as he could that Yoochun was eating healthy in hopes that his body would recover quicker. But somehow Yoochun kept walking in with more bruises and sometimes Yunho could see the tell-tale of dry blood around his mouth or at one of the corners of Yoochun’s nose.

Not knowing what was happening, Yoochun’s cold shoulder, and the worry about Yoochun was taking a toll on Yunho and he felt like exploding at the whole situation. The tension between them was building for far too long and far too much and Yunho knew that sooner than later one of them will explode because of it.

That day came when Yoochun walked in with multiple cuts around his face, dry blood on his nose, side of the mouth and his ears. On top of that Yoochun was limping and Yunho could see Yoochun’s body covered in dark black and purple bruises. Yunho quickly helped Yoochun sit down in the couch and ran to get the first aid kit to help clean and treat Yoochun’s injures.

Yoochun tried to swat Yunho’s hand. “I can do it myself.” Yoochun argue but Yunho only pulled the kit away from Yoochun’s hands. “Sit still.” Yunho order and with a dramatic sigh Yoochun sat still and let Yunho take care of him. Yunho sigh before gathering his courage to ask all the question he had for Yoochun.

“I know is not exactly my business but I’m getting really worried about you. You’ve been walking in like this for weeks and I’m restraining myself to go to those friends of yours and ask what the hell exactly they are doing to you?” Yunho couldn’t hold the little rant that slip in into his question.

“You are right Yunho, is none of your business.” Yoochun simply said and Yunho just dab a little too much alcohol to one of Yoochun’s cut. “But I can assure you that it is not them doing me this, besides if you see how they are, you wouldn’t be so worried about me.” Yunho arch his eyebrow at Yoochun’s answer and Yoochun just shrugged.

“Then I think you should stop doing this to yourself. Do you wanna kill yourself?” Yunho said, not seeing the change of expression in Yoochun’s face. “You of all people are asking me this? You that barge into my life to make me more miserable that what I’m already, are asking me to stop this? To stop learning how to defend myself from people like you and those other scumbags in the Headquarters?” Yunho looked at how angry and hurt Yoochun looked.

“See, if you just let me retrieve the power you wouldn’t have to do this. You could just move on and find a really good place to settle down and maybe find love or something.” Yunho said, trying to explain Yoochun that vessels always had the option to keep going on. Hell, with all the pain that her little sister brought to his life, he would give anything to have the vessels option to just leave everything behind and star together with no painful memories.

“And forget who I was, what I did, the people that I love and the people that I helped? NO, never, I prefer to die rather than to lose everything that I worked hard for, I rather die than to forget.” Yoochun yelled at Yunho, his body shivering with anger.

Yunho stared at Yoochun’s livid eyes and couldn’t say anything else. He just sigh in defeat but apparently this fuel Yoochun’s anger even more. Yoochun pushed Yunho’s hands away from his face. “You don’t understand and those pricks done understand and don’t want to understand the pain that we go through when we lose our protector. Is like a part of you is being ripped while you are awake and you can’t do anything about it. No one does anything about it, no one cares. The people that you thought were like a second family, the ones that would understand you the best because they are the same as you turn their backs at your pain and wouldn’t care about it. We, vessels with no protectors, are nobodies to that people that think themselves as almighty. Our lost doesn’t mean anything because is not their suffering. It’s just a mere boy crying over his friend.” Yunho let Yoochun vent his anger and hurt through the punches he was aiming at his chest.

“And is not that I’m ashamed of being a normal human being but it angers me how they see it as worst as being an unprotected vessel. Like if you can tap in to the power anymore you are as useful as rat. And I’m so angry and hurt and scared.” Yunho had to force himself to listen to Yoochun last word because he whispered, afraid that Yunho would hear it but needed anyways to say it out loud and for that Yunho pretended not hearing the last word that Yoochun said and Yoochun was thankful for that.

Yunho wrap his long hands around Yoochun wrist. “Let me finish cleaning you up so you can go to sleep.” Yoochun right himself and let Yunho finish cleaning and treating all of his cuts and bruises. Yunho threw himself in the task of taking care of Yoochun while thinking about everything that he said. When he was tidying the first aid kit Yoochun share something that help Yunho to understand Yoochun better.

“Jaejoong was killed on of the night we finished our training. It was a cruel training that left both of us without much energy and I whined to him to stop to eat at the first place we could see.” Yoochun stop for a moment, trying to collect his feelings while Yunho kept his gaze on his own hands.

“Some guys came to rob the place we were in and I stupidly argue with Jaejoong to do something to stop those guys. I even thought that his reluctance was because he didn’t thought I was strong enough. Before we could decide if we were going to do something, someone made a mistake and those guys started to shoot their guns.” Yoochun made another pause and Yunho couldn’t stop himself from looking at Yoochun’s eyes.

What Yunho saw was the gaze of a person that is deeply angry and hurt by the entire world, the gaze of someone who experienced a great betrayal from people that he didn’t expect it, the gaze of someone that was living vicariously through the memories of what he lost.

“He did shortly before the ambulance came.”

And that was the last thing Yoochun said to Yunho.

jessica, yaoi, fic: a faint line, changmin, dbsk, yoochun, yunho, minsu, yunchun, jaebum, junsu

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