Title: Funny Friend [Minsu]

Dec 23, 2011 21:21

Title: Funny friend
Rating: G
Summary: Changmin find the friend he needed.
A/N: First time writing Minsu just as friends and it was really fun. Sorry this is way way late but work decided to pile up out of nowhere. This is for afruz, I hope is good or a bit enjoyable. Beware of mistakes, I do check it but since Im already late I wanted to post it as soon as possible.

Enjoy! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!

Changmin was taking a couple of pictures around the campus while thinking how to approach the next lesson for his students when he saw the soccer team. The whole soccer team was standing facing who Changmin guess was the coach. The coach, a short man with honey blonde hair, was holding the soccer ball with his right foot and talking, or would he dare to say, giving instructions to the players. The short man explain something with his hands, Changmin could imagine what he was saying just by focusing on the small hands of the coach.

Changmin was about to walk away from the scene when he noticed the coach playing with the ball. To anyone the show could’ve been very impressive but to Changmin was another thing. He quickly put his camera in front of his face and concentrates on the fluid movements. He doesn’t know how he ended with 25 plus photos but he knew he needed the coach for his next lesson. His students could get more about movement, high velocity and slow velocity with someone who knows body movements like this coach do.

Changmin didn’t hesitate and walked into the soccer field. He nod to a couple of his past students, he didn’t knew they were soccer players, before interrupting the coach lesson. “Did all of you got what Im trying to explain? I don’t care how good you are kicking from the inside or the outside. If you don’t look at the ball then we aren’t playing the game, we are just hoping to do a good shoot. Shoots can be calculated and if the ball is in your possession then look at it!”

Changmin tap the coach’s shoulder and looked down at him. “How can I help you sir?” the coach looked at Changmin up and down with a straight face. “Hi, Im Changmin the professor of photography and I need to ask a favor from you sir.” “Call me Junsu. What kind of favor? Cause I don’t do naked, thou I know I have a desirable body but…”

“It has nothing to do with that.” Changmn quickly clarify and getting a bit annoyed. “I would appreciate if you keep all of your clothes on.” Some of the soccer players laugh but Junsu quiet them down with just one look. “Ok, you all scatter and practice what I told you. Look at the ball before shooting. I got something to discuss with the professor.” All the players ran to the other side of the field leaving them to talk alone.

“I’ve been trying to teach my students about movements and how to capture it though the different speed of the shutter, but they don’t get it. I see you have a great sense of your body movements…” “Yes I know! It took years of practice.”

“Junsu, could you let me finish?” Changmin looked at Junsu, his left eyebrow lightly arch. “Oh! Yes go on.” Junsu respond to Changmin making hand gesture to let him know he can keep talking. “I just need you to play with the ball while I show my students how to capture movements. And for them to tale a couple of pictures of you while you play.” Changmin finished explaining and signal Junsu that he could talk now.

“Well than you for saying Im good at soccer…” “But I didn’t Junsu.” “Ssh! Im sure you imply it and the answer to your request is well… yeah! You are just asking me to play soccer and I can’t say no to that.” Changmin clear his throat before trying to clarify himself once more. “Junsu, I didn’t imply it.” Junsu laughed before saying “yeah yeah, if you say so.” “Im saying so.”

"Changmin. Shut up.”

Changmin stare at Junsu with wide eyes while Junsu tried very hard not to laugh again. “You what?” “You heard me Changmin. Anyways I gotta check on the kids, so come again when you know the date you need me for your class. Seeya later.” With that Junsu ran to were his players where. The corner of Changmin’s lips quirk up a bit before saying to himself. “Let’s see how much you love playing soccer Junsu.”


Changmin’s class was a success. Junsu did help a lot; more than what Changmin would’ve expect it. He did make Junsu do a lot of hard soccer moves thousands of times and his little self-inside rejoice every time Junsu said ‘again’ and sigh. But later Junsu told him that he enjoy it, ‘it brought back good memories’ and invite Changmin to eat because he was so hungry he could easily eat a whole elephant. Changmin rolled his eyes and settle an hour to meet and eat.

Changmin doesn’t know how he ended paying for that meal and for all the other meals they had. He really doesn’t know how they ended being friends but they did. And now that the months have passed and the holidays were here he concluded that Junsu was the fun friend he needed without knowing.

Changmin arrive at the soccer field of their university campus where he saw Junsu playing. The first thing he had to do was laugh at Junsu. Junsu was playing with the ball but his whole posture was wrong. Changmin noticed Junsu’s hands inside his pockets. “You know if is the weather is too cold to play then don’t. Is very simple Junsu.” Changmin yell at Junsu while he walk where Junsu was.

Junsu laugh at his friend reply and when Changmin reach where he was he just shrug. “It’s a bit thrilling to play in the cold weather just how you like to take photos when it’s snowing and freezing cold. In just a couple of weeks your hands look like you never set down your camera.” Both laugh at Junsu’s remark on Changmin’s hands and his bad timing to take photos.

“If you are so worry about my hands then buy me some gloves.” Changmin said to Junsu to what Junsu just laugh. “So do you Changmin.” “But I’m not worry about your hands.” Junsu just rolled his eyes to Changmin and mutter ‘what a great friend I have.’


One of their friends in common told them about the Christmas party and that they will be having an exchange gift event. Changmin found it funny that he got a paper with Junsu’s name on it. He asked Junsu who he got but Junsu didn’t tell him and ask him to not either.

So Changmin set himself in a mission to find a good Christmas present for Junsu. He saw many things, funny things, serious things, things he thought Junsu needed but when he walk by a Nike shop and saw some black gloves he remember Junsu playing soccer with his hands inside his pockets. Changmin didn’t think it through and bought the gloves.

The Christmas party went well but what Changmin remember the most was seeing Junsu’s face when he open his gift. The goofy exaggerated happy expression made him laugh for a good five minutes. Changmin shakes his head thinking to himself that he really got the funny friend he needed.

And that he was anticipating New Year’s Eve.

minsu, fic: funny friend, junsu, changmin, dbsk, one-shot

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