(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 20:55

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Take a look at your Friends List, and list up to 10things you want to say to 10 different LJ friends. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'.Then tag 5 people to do this meme.

1. Your life inspire me to be more that I am already. To fight more for my own goals and that we are the authors of our life. I'm grateful that you let me into your life and told me all those hardships. Thanks for being my first unnie and I love you a lot. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!

2.Awww when I think things to say to you I get teary eyes... You know how much I love you and I'm very truthful about it. We can talk about it or let silence rule the conv. and we still feel comfortable.  We have a bond that cant be replace by anyone. Remember I got your back love. Love you lots.

3. I really dont find more words to say how grateful I am to meet you. You are a little weird a lot of a sarcastic person but still you care for the people around you. You are very smart and brilliant girl. I love all your ideas... and Im still gonna be a reader for that fandom :P Love you.

4.You might read this really late... if you really see it. But whatever I wanna say it. We are really alike and Im glad I stalk you hahaha. I hope we can keep spaming your page or mine with our convs. LOL

5.LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??????????????? I love you lots little whory brat. Miss you lots... please pop somewhere PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. Hey lover... lets keep oogling about Jaemin... so COMEBACK TO MY LIFE GIRL!!!!!! *HUGGLES* muakx

7. YOU!!!!! *HUGS*  thanks for your time and paciencia... hahaha there you know that I'm talking to you!!!!!! Im feel that you complete my fics and that yeah... ur like the big sis that... is not around anymore. Gracias por todas la sugerencias y por ayudarme el otro dia :) ... Love you lots Unnie!!!!!

8, 9 & 10. LOL LETS BE FRIEND AND TALK MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tagg:

Note: Being tagged is not an indicator of whether you were mentioned above.
Thanks for reading LOL

meme thingy

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