Title: Misses you
Pair: Minsu
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Length: Drabble (word count 236)
Summary: Changmin misses Junsu
A/N: I got inspired hearing Andrea Bocelli
Here I sat, looking at old pictures of you and me. I run through my memories of your laugh and your silly jokes that describes you the best. I touch the wrinkles beside your eyes in every happy photo I have of you. And after missing you so much and waiting for you to appear, to comeback; I keep being a love fool.
I look at the sunrise and remember you. The way the sun bathers my skin with warm, just like your laugh. When I walk around and the wind decides to run fast and free and envelops my body in its chilly comfortable breeze it reminds me of your voice. A clear and a bit silly voice that never stop chattering what I possibly can classify as foolish topics.
Just when the sun goes down and I see and feel the change of colors in the sky, I hear your voice. Sometimes nostalgic but mostly hopeful of a new sunrise and a new smile. And when everything turns dark and artificial light appears everywhere my heart ache. I close my eyes and can almost hear you sing right by my hear.
I fall asleep dreaming of your voice, your song and the silly permanent smile on your face.
I wake up once again to see the sunrise and remember your laugh just when my heart tells again to my mind that it misses you.