Yunchun Video Exchange [Round 2] Title: Just what he wants

May 12, 2009 22:44

Title: Just what he wants
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: Drama
Rating: Pg-13
Length: One-shot
Word Count: 704 words
Summary: Humans make it hard and complicated. Things doesn’t work it up, we make it work.
For: This the second part of the Yunchun fic Rediscovered written by suah
A/N: Sorry for the delay, I was in finals so didnt had much time to write. Is short cause this fic was so amazing and I love it just the way it is that I didnt find suitable ways to make a well second part, plus the cliché breaking them and putting them together didnt appeal me at all. suah I hope this is worth waiting for if not Pleas Do Tell Me and I will write another.
Warning: Un-betaed so gramma errors, verb tenses and spell will mostly likely be found.
Thanks for reading!

But I don’t want you to forget,
That right next to you, there is always a warm hand.
Step by step by: DBSK

Yunho finds himself seating on the stairs between 10th floor and 9th floor. He stubbornly wipes the tears running down from his eyes. They wanted to work their problems out so badly that brought more stress and tension between them.

Yunho hears footsteps coming from above until a tall lean man sat beside him. “You should stop using this as your hiding place. I’m getting annoyed.” Shim Changmin scold Yunho. Yunho just scoff at him before sniffling.

“You guys are such a drama queens. Get over things, make up and made out. Realize you only have each other and go conquer the world. Is that so fucking hard to do?” Yunho had to laugh at Shim’s comment.

“Love is so hard and complicated” Yunho said still not looking at Changmin. “Is not! Humans make it hard and complicated. Things doesn’t work it up, we make it work. So please grow some balls and make it work.” Changmin stands from the stairs and turns back. Before going up to his floor he scolds Yunho one last time “And please find another place to hide.”

Yunho shakes his head while Changmin hide a smile with the back of his hand.

When Yunho arrives at home he finds it empty. He walks the whole apartment searching for Yoochun. “Yoochun? Yoochun??!! Where are you Chun??!!!” Yunho runs back and forth through the apartment opening every door room or closet, hoping to find his Chunnie somewhere. But when he only finds dust and silence his mind goes blank.

He doesn’t check the draws to see if Yoochun clothes are still there. And he certainly doesn’t see the little note waiting for him to read at the kitchen table. Yunho just grabs his key and runs out of the apartment and into the streets in hopes to find Yoochun.

Couple of hours later Yunho enters his apartment hanging his head really slow. So he didn’t see Yoochun sitting restless on the couch, tapping his foot repeatedly on the floor.

Yunho sighs and looks to the living room finding Yoochun sitting there. He nearly runs and pulls Yoochun in a bone breaking hug. Yoochun is startle, eyes wide open but wraps his arms around Yunho’s waist.

“Where were you?” Yoochun ask lips brushing Yunho’s shoulder. Yunho cradles Yoochun’s face between his trembling hands and kiss him.

After Yunho breaks the kiss he whispers softly against Yoochun’s lips “I was looking for you like a mad man.” Yoochun eyes soften and return his lips to where it belongs; on Yunho’s lips.

I can’t let you go,
You are the only one in my life.
Miduhyo by DBSK

The morning arrives to their bedroom, revealing bare skin, a mess of limbs and a pile of sheet and clothes. Reminiscences of last night activities remain on each other body. Yoochun kiss Yunho’s shoulders receiving a little moan from the older man mouth.
“You know, I left a note on the kitchen table. I was just gone to buy some light grocery.” Yunho opens one eye “I was afraid of you really leaving.” Yoochun smile a little before running his hand between the messy locks of Yunho’s hair.
“I really can’t” Yoochun whispers, eyes closed and his hand still entangle on Yunho’s hair “I really can’t leave Yunho.” Yunho shift closer to Yoochun and kiss him softly “I can’t either.”
Yoochun sighs and moves closer to Yunho. Through his mind had pass the option of leaving Yunho, of trying to let go, but really after so much he really can’t. Yunho wraps his arms around Yoochun pulling him even more closely, breathing his scent.

What he feels for Yoochun is worth fighting and trying for. There so much of this man he wants to love and to care. There so much he wants to do for him, to share with him.
There’s a whole life ahead to live, whatever the time is, he doesn’t want to spend it with anyone else.
There’s only Yoochun in his heart, inside his skin, around his mind.
He just can’t, doesn’t want to let go.
Yoochun nuzzles Yunho’s neck, whispers ‘I love you’ and falls back to sleep. This is the only person Yunho wants.
And this is just the happy ending of this scene of their life. The rest is just starting.

yaoi, yunchun, fic: just what he wants, dbsk, one-shot, yoochun, yunho

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