Secret Santa for azurehook

Dec 25, 2008 17:30

This is for you unnie!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A/N: havent re-check gramma errors... and I have really to go!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!

Title: A wish before December 25
Pair: Yoomin
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Romance
Length: Drabble (286 words)
Summary: He only wishes for one thing… to have him before the clocks mark the 25.

He bets it’s really cold outside. He wishes that this thick blanket around him was a certain person he won’t dare himself to mention. He looks out through the window always hoping, always waiting for a tall figure to appear through the shadows.

His Christmas tree lights were off. No presents under the tree. No milk, no cookies. His brown eyes stare outside, his mouth saying a name like a mantra.

He saw people passing, couples, children with their parents and friends. He nearly ran a couple of times seeing the shadow of someone relative similar to him but every time it wasn’t him.

His hopes were wearing out. He gives up five minutes before it was Christmas day. He turns every light off and walks slowly, painfully slowly to his bedroom.

Before he steps inside of his bedroom his doorbell rang. His heart stop for a moment and he looks incredulously at the direction he knows the front door is.

He silently prays for it to ring again… and it did. He ran to the front door stopping just in front of the door, hand in the door knob. “Please ring again. Please, please… make it come true. Please make it be him.”

The doorbell rang again before he spun the door completely open.

There in the cold night and just when the clock marks 12 o’clock of December 25 stood the man that he was praying and hopping for.

“Sorry I’m late but you know how can be my family sometimes.” The man in front of his door said with a silly laugh hanging in his beautiful lips.

He threw himself into the welcoming hands of his tall lover and sigh his name.


Title: Just you
Pair: Jaemin
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Length: Drabble
Summary: Changmin wants to put the Christmas tree with Jaejoong but Jaejoong wants other things

The living room was a total mess. Ribbons, decorative balls, angels, cute little penguins, red flowers were all around the floor. Changmin kept walking back and forth looking at the Christmas tree. He was trying to put the lights on the tree.

Changmin could remember every time he put the Christmas tree. When he was little with his parents and later with his siblings and he could remember too the few times now he put it with his boyfriend. Thinking about Jaejoong… where could he be? He never misses this time that is our own little family tradition.

Changmin kept on decorating and fixing the living room looking sometimes out of the window waiting for anytime seeing Jaejoong come in. Minutes later and Changmin was done with the tree and the living room and there was no sign of Jaejoong, not even a call.

Changmin started to get mad at his lover. This was an unusual behavior and totally unacceptable. Changmin decided to turn the light of the tree on since he works to put the tree plus the decorations alone.

Just when the tree lights up Changmin hears someone singing outside of his house. Changmin walk to the front door and open it revealing a slightly flush Jaejoong with a beer can on his right hand and a radio on his left hand singing along.

Changmin eyes wrinkle with early shows of laughter at hearing Mariah Carey’s voice and Jaejoong singing along with her.

“I don’t care about the presents under the Christmas tree”

“All I want for Christmas is you.”

Changmin support himself by the right side of his door clutching his stomach with his left hand, eyes totally mismatched.

And he laughs and laughs and laughs. And Jaejoong just sang and sang and sang walking closer to his lover.

Jaejoong whisper softly ‘all I want for Christmas is you’ stopping Changmin from die of laughter. Changmin look straight at Jaejoong’s eyes. “Why you did come and help me with the Christmas tree?”

Jaejoong smile, the exact same smile that got Changmin head over heel in love with Jaejoong.

“Cause all I want for Christmas is you Min.”

Title: Special Gift for Yunho
Pair: Hosu
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Romance and a little crack
Length: Drabble
Summary: Junsu prepares a very special gift for Yunho.

Junsu open the box, smiling at the little gift he had prepared for Yunho. He quickly prepares the bedroom for the night and run to the shower at seeing the time.

Yunho arrive after a long day of errands to do. He had so many things on the to-do list because of his work. “Junsu?” Yunho called for his lover silence being his only replay.

Yunho walk through the dark apartment hearing soft music coming from his bedroom. He stops in front of the door half afraid of what could be there and half anticipating what Junsu prepare for them.

Yunho turn the knob to the left opening the door, his eyes going wide at the sight in front of him. The room only source of lights were Christmas lights that he thinks the right place for it was on a tree, but Junsu hang them around the room. Petals of white roses were scattered around the room and the bed.

And on the bed was Junsu. Junsu with antlers and a very revealing “reindeer” clothes.

“You know you can come in Yunho.” Junsu said with husky dangerously low voice. Yunho gulp, clean his sweaty hands on his pants and walk slowly, always looking at Junsu, inside the bedroom.

“Do you like what Santa Claus brought you?” Junsu asks, tempting, teasing Yunho. Yunho only could nod. “Why don’t you make yourself more comfortable, meaning no clothes, and come over here.” Junsu extended his hand, calling, reaching for Yunho.

Yunho quickly and messily got rid of his clothes and grab Junsu’s hand climbing on the bed next to his very sexy boyfriend. Junsu offer a corner of what was supposed to be his shirt but it was too tiny to be really one to Yunho.

“Eat.” Junsu commands Yunho. Yunho look incredulously at Junsu. “Why I should eat your shirt Junsu?” Junsu giggle at his lover expression and question before answering him.

“Well silly cause is an eatable costume.”

Yunho’s sizes eyes were nearly like a baseball ball size for a second, his mind digesting what Junsu just said to him. “Why would you buy me a eatable costume and wear it?”

Junsu stare at Yunho thinking how Yunho could manage to ask those really obvious and silly useless questions. Junsu kisses Yunho before whispering ‘for you to eat them.’

Yunho shiver at the new information, the reason behind the unusual gift. Yunho heave a shaky sigh before pushing Junsu to rest on the bed.

“Glad I haven’t eaten anything.” Yunho said and Junsu laugh his most beautiful cheerful smile.

Yunho lower his face close to Junsu’s warm body and started to eat the reindeer costumes. He took his time, adding tongue when he really didn’t need it, nibbling flesh and not candy and sucking the deliciously skin behind the costume. Junsu purr at the treatment but it was so damn slow that the tiredness from preparing everything was catching on him.

So by the time Yunho finish eating all Junsu’s clothes Junsu was contently asleep leaving Yunho with a stomach ache for eating too much candy.

fic: special gift for yunho, yaoi, fic: just you, hosu, jaemin, changmin, dbsk, yoochun, yunho, challenge, junsu, yoomin, jaejoong, fic: a wish before december 25

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