Memories [Jaesu]

Nov 04, 2008 19:45

Title: Memories
Pair: Jaesu
Genre: Romance
Rating: R (there’s a light sex scene)
Length: One shot (1,585 words)
Summary: Junsu’s happy memories are Jaejoong’s smiles and maybe his real memories too.
A/N: Lyrics taken from the song Star by Yumi. Pictures like always taken from I apologize for the mistakes and the waiting. Hope you like how this turn out.
This is the second part of Losing

Even though our happy times were short,
I’ll treasure it deep inside my heart
like those countless number of stars, forever

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months have pass and still Jaejoong remains besides Junsu and Junsu remains besides Jaejoong. They ignore the fact that one remembers too much and the other doesn’t remember at all. They just keep living and loving; only hearing the voice of their own hearts.

Junsu starts a sort of diary, a picture diary. He keeps track of his memories with pictures and little notes here and there, just in case he forgets something or anything again. He swears to himself he will never forget again. He will never let Jaejoong be the only holder of their precious moments.

His mind falls in love with Jaejoong too. Is really hard not too fall for a person like Jaejoong. Jaejoong cares for Junsu like he always do. But not everything is like always.

After Junsu saw Jaejoong so broken he made Jaejoong promise to always tell him when he feels sad, happy, mad, depressing, etc. Junsu made Jaejoong to promise to share his thoughts no matter the topic, no matter if he can’t remember.

At first it was hard for Jaejoong and Junsu. But time helps them deal with it. Junsu learn about his past and found how to make more tangible memories. Junsu started to hang out more with his friends. Learning again what they like and what they don’t like. He wasn’t surprise when Changmin told him about his relationship with Yoochun. Deep inside his heart or in the back of his head he knew they would end together.

It was really funny to see the shock faces of Jaejoong, Changmin and Yoochun when Junsu said with exaggerated arms movements ‘finally’. Yoochun look at Jaejoong searching for answer, maybe Jaejoong told Junsu about him falling in love with Changmin.

“Baby, what you mean about finally? How did you know? Did you…” Junsu look at Jaejoong eyes and it almost killed him. Jaejoong eyes shone with hope; hope that he finally could remember something, a little hope…something to hold on to.

“No… I-I still don’t remember… is just… I kind of knew… like I know that I love you. I think… I just… don’t know. I just know they are meant to be together.” Jaejoong smile at him but it didn’t reach his eyes and the light of hope in his eyes fades away. Yoochun and Changmin smile sadly at Junsu and Junsu only could smile his sunshine smile just to ease his friend and love sadness and bury his own.

though I’m exhausted to the point where I can’t walk
though my tears blur my vision
I’ll still smile in front of my love that I’m not able to get

Junsu came home earlier than usual and accidentally heard a phone conversation of Jaejoong and what he thinks it was Yunho. He didn’t felt jealous like Changmin told him once he usually felt when Jaejoong talk with Yunho but felt an immense sadness. Junsu felt like his chest might explode. He couldn’t breathe properly and his eyes started to irritate him with the signs of tears. So he closed the door quietly and walked away.

Quiet sobbing could be heard in the living room of Jaejoong’s and Junsu’s apartment. “You’re still seeing those videos right Jae?” Jaejoong best friend Yunho asks Jaejoong. Jaejoong’s only answer was another sob. “Why you are doing that Jaejoong? Junsu might see you again. Are you really thinking about him? Can you see that he is trying, he is trying very hard.” “I know Yunho… I know but you are not on my shoes. You are not the one with all this memories. You are not the one missing your love while he is right beside you.” Jaejoong heard a soft click of a door and quickly look at the front door of his apartment. “Yunho give me a minute I think I heard someone at the door.” Jaejoong didn’t stop to hear Yunho’s reply and walk to the front door.

Jaejoong opened the door and look at the hallway. He thought he saw Junsu’s hair but he wasn’t sure so he ran back inside the house to the only window that face the entrance of the building. There he saw Junsu coming out of the building.

Junsu’s hands wipe furiously the stubborn tears coming out of his eyes. Jaejoong quickly dismiss his talk with Yunho and grab the keys and his coat and ran to find Junsu. If Junsu heard what he said to Yunho… he really didn’t know what he could do or say to Junsu. Jaejoong’s only goal for now was to find Junsu.

Junsu thought of going to Changmin’s place or maybe Yoochun’s but he knew Jaejoong could find him there in a couple of hours and he needed more than a couple of hours. So he kept walking away from every place he was now familiar with. Walking away of every place Jaejoong could find him. Away from every past memory he learned about.

Jaejoong called Changmin asking if Junsu called him or maybe he was there with him but he wasn’t there with Changmin. He called Yoochun just to receive the same answer. Jaejoong ran to every place he knows Junsu know but he didn’t find him in any of those places. Jaejoong tried calling Junsu but he didn’t answer his calls either. Changmin called Junsu, Yoochun called Junsu even Yunho called Junsu but he didn’t answer.

Yoochun called Jaejoong telling him that he and Yunho were heading to Changmin’s apartment. Changmin is Junsu closest friend so maybe later he will appear at Changmin’s so Jaejoong ran to Changmin’s apartment praying for Junsu to come back.

Junsu knew they were expecting him to go to Changmin. He didn’t remember his past life but it wasn’t so hard to read his lover and friend’s actions. So he walk back to his apartment were he knows no one would be there cause no one expect him to go back to his place.

Junsu walk inside of his apartment and walk to the room Jaejoong once walk out crying. He started to look inside the many boxes. Finding albums of photos, video recordings, love letters between him and Jaejoong. Birthday cards and presents. Everything that was his and Jaejoong’s. Things before he lost his memories.

Junsu spend all night seeing photos, videos and reading letters and cards. Jaejoong spend all night at Changmin’s waiting for Junsu to come back to him.

Only for today,
I won’t cry though my eyes fill with tears
I want to laugh like those stars
Star by Yumi at 200pound of Beauty OST

Just before sunrise Junsu came out of the room to the kitchen. He made himself some coffee and sat down on a chair. His brown eyes were now puffy and red from crying. His face held an unknown expressing. His shoulder lightly hunch. Junsu stare at the white wall while drinking his hot coffee, thinking. After sunrise the door of the apartment opened letting in a looking tired Jaejoong.

Junsu didn’t move from his chair. He didn’t make a single sound, he just wait until he had to. He had to do this for him, for Changmin, for Yoochun… even for Yunho. He had to.

Jaejoong smell coffee and he ran to the kitchen. There Junsu sat looking at the wall. Jaejoong hug Junsu from behind burying his face between Junsu shoulder blades. Junsu smile and held Jaejoong arms with his.

“I thought I would lose you forever.” Jaejoong confess to Junsu. Junsu turn around to face Jaejoong. Junsu held Jaejoong’s face between his hands before kissing Jaejoong’s quivering lips. “I remember.” Junsu whisper softly against Jaejoong’s lips and once again he indulges himself in the taste of his lover’s mouth. Shock shone through Jaejoong’s eyes.

“I remember.” Junsu whisper once again while he kisses Jaejoong’s jaw line and neck. “I remember.” Junsu whisper while he pushes Jaejoong to their shared bedroom. “I remember.” Junsu whisper while he takes Jaejoong’s and his own clothes off. “I remember.” Junsu whisper as he kisses his lover’s tone chest. He whispers as he nibbles on Jaejoong’s nipples.

“I remember.” Junsu whisper hotly on Jaejoong’s right ear while one of his slick fingers breaches deep inside of his lover’s shivering body. “I remember.” Junsu whisper against Jaejoong’s shoulder after he buries himself deep inside Jaejoong. He whisper at every blazing touch, every delicious moan that slips pass his lover swollen red lips.

“I remember.” Junsu whisper with every thrust, in every kiss, in every moan until Jaejoong reach his climax and soon Junsu falls into the pleasure whispering for the last time ‘I remember.’

Soon after Jaejoong fall asleep his sweaty body wrap around Junsu sweaty one. Junsu caress Jaejoong’s hair absently while a single tear slip from the corner of his chocolate brown eyes.

He lied. He had to.

Jaejoong was happier. Changmin was happier. Yoochun was happier. Junsu was happy.

Everything turns out for the best. Junsu study his life when no one was around and that help him to maintain his lie alive. He contacted a long lost friend from school Eunhyuk who help Junsu to learn about his life before Jaejoong. With time he knew his life like if it was on his memory.

Weeks later and still pretending he remembers Junsu started to get some headache. He just took some painkillers and nothing more. One afternoon while he walks and talks to Eunhyuk Junsu’s head throb with a force that sends him directly to the ground. Eunhyuk didn’t know what to do, panic overtook him.

After what felt like hours but it was really just a couple of minutes Junsu look at his friend with knowing eyes. Eunhyuk look at Junsu and Eunhyuk knew.

He really remembers now. The lie became truth and only he and Eunhyuk knew.

Junsu was happier.

yaoi, junsu, dbsk, fic: memories, jaesu, jaejoong, one-shot

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