Love Spells- Kissing Spell for San Valentine's day

Feb 14, 2008 19:35

Drabbles Double Min of San Valetine

Prompt: Love Spells

Rating: PG-15
A/N: This is the second drabble for the prompt love spells as a gift to toma_love in her crazy idea of 29 prompts for February.
So here it is the second part.

II. Second Spell: Kissing Spell

You saw him walking to the kitchen and back to the bedroom. You wonder what other spell he was trying this time.  Today is February 14 the day that marketing name it with red big hearts, fluffy bears and lots and lots of chocolates as the San Valentine's Day. The day of love and friendship. Today was your free day and you wanted to spend it with Sungmin. You barely see him and yes the picture in your wallet, phone and the night drawer didn’t count as seeing him.

So you two decided to stay at home, share some quality time together, a romantic dinner and maybe… well sure the day will end with some bed action or shower action or kitchen table action or maybe the floor, the couch… WHAT THE HELL all around the house action. It was centuries since you taste the man sweet yet addicted taste. Besides this day is about sharing and showing love and you know how exactly share it and show it to your lover. It help that all around his skin the words love, lust, desire, kinkiness and sweetness were written in.

You heard noises on the kitchen, again Sungmin and his spells, but this time wasn’t some blank paper or the red candle, now it was a lighter. What will do Sungmin with a paper, a candle and lighter and, wait a LIPSTICK!!!!! What it's he doing for God sakes, you wanted him by your side. Cuddle in together, feeling the comfortable warm only his body could give you.  Reluctantly you stand from the comfy couch and walk to the bedroom seeing that the door was half open. You heard Sungmin voice repeating something you couldn’t understand at first time. The third time he repeat it this it what you heard:

"Kiss me when we meet,
Kiss me Shim Changmin
Greet me with your lips, and say you missed me.
But most of all kiss me as a lover should do Magic kisses so I will love you
Kiss me softly and by me always stay our love will last forever as you kiss me today..."

A wide smirk lift up from your lips as you heard him saying that over and over again while he burn slowly the piece of paper.  You stare at him. He was so beautiful. You walk slowly and silently and squat behind him and wrap your arms around his shoulders making him gasp lightly in surprise. You kiss the nape of his neck and his sides. You lick his earlobes making him moan. You spread light kisses through his jaw line ending locking your lips with his lips. You kiss his Adam apple and suck it a little. You kiss his arms back and forth and brush your lips through his hands and fingers. You kiss his forehead, his eyes and his nose. He discharged his shirt demanding more kisses through his body and you gladly obey.  Brushing the tip of your fingers feeling the heat that was growing on both bodies driving you crazy. You lean to kiss his collarbone and between them you suck it 'till you left a red wet mark. You kiss slowly his chest and play with his nipples making them hard. You scoot lower to his abdomen and left ghostly kisses in his stomach and belly button. You reach his jeans and he stops you. You groan in annoyances when he stops you from reaching further. He pulls himself up and smiles at you. He stands up and walks to the door and closes it, your eyebrow arch in curiosity. He plays a little with your hair and squat beside you. He leans to blow off the candle… his spell was granted.

A/N: This got way to simple and blah at the end but I really wanted to post this today and I kept my promise. One more... just one more.

suju, double min, shot:love spells, sungmin, changmin, dbsk

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