Cuz I like being on crack!!!

Jul 11, 2008 16:01

We’re serious about Jaejoong

If you want to get ahead, get a Jaejoong

Feel the raw naked Jaejoong of the road

Come see the softer side of Jaejoong

You cant get quicker than a Jaejoong fitter

There’s always room for Jaejoong

You can be sure of Jaejoong

Because Changmin cant drive

Look, Ma, No Changmin!

The Changmin for all ages

Make someone happy with a Changmin

The Changmin with the hole

Monsieur, with this Changmin you are spoiling us.

Get in my Changmin

Things go better with Junsu

Because so much is riding on your Junsu

You can do it when Junsu it

They’re yummy for your Junsu

Yo quiero Junsu

Stop. Go. Junsu

Stimulation for body and Junsu

Change your whole DBSK

DBSK is good for you

DBSK saves your soul

America’s most trusted DBSK

DBSK tested, Mother approved.

So easy, No wonder DBSK is the # 1

No DBSK, No comment

If you like a lot of chocolate on your DBSK, join our club.

And all because the Lady loves DBSK

Have you had your DBSK today?

I scream, You scream, We all scream for DBSK

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a DBSK?
 I had so much fun with the DBSK slogans!!!!!

randomness, crack

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