Haha same with my ljay! Sometimes...I really just don't know what to say.
I've been rp-ing a bit cause I missed it ;A;. But I guess I sorta lost my drive and it just doesn't feel the same.
Buuuut it's summer! I don't start school until September so I'm trying to enjoy every bit of it! Although my mom's pressuring me to go find a job, life's okay. I've started watching Eyeshield 21 and it's pretty interesting.
YOU DERP Yuki is the bald guy! Yukimitsu Manabu I think his full name was.... If you're on episode 60 you deeeefinitely met him already xDDD He's the tall skinny balding guy who always tries reeeeallly hard :>
OH MAN I KNOW YUKIMITSU MANABU. fjdkls;ajf I thought Yuki was the name of another player I'll meet later in the series >.>
I looooove his determination! Hopefully, he'll get to play in a game ^_^ But for some reason I don't like Sakuraba :P I mean, I know he works hard but he just doesn't appeal to me! Maybe it's because of his fangirls!
I read the manga and.... ~*SPOILERS*~ HE DOES ;D But yeah, I don't really like Sakuraba either! I dunno, the Ojo White Knights kinda.... don't really appeal to me that much, to be honest. I looooove the Wild Gunmen though *___*
I SHOULD PROBABLY READ THE MANGA. Gahhh But sometimes, I hate clicking [NEXT] over and over =.= BUT AHHH YAYYYY YUKIMITSU GETS TO PLAY. Ojou White Knights are okay. The Wild Gunmen are hilarious. I love Tetsuma? Is that the guy who's like a train? and Kid! But but but I also love Poseidon's uniforms. AND THEY'RE ALL SO FREAKIN' TALL. Buuuuut in the end I love the Devil Bats!
eyeshield 21... my roomie's real into it. it doesnt look like something i'd enjoy though... but if i'm bored enough i might end up giving it a try! huhuhuhu
and yeah. idk why i'd update with my lj. xD it's just. i hate boring my flist with something so mundane like my life with pretty much the same thing happening over and over.
MY LIFE ISNT ALL THE EXCITING EITHER. not until i move to japan. i'm almost 80% decided. dskfjhkushefkusef
ugh idk pot is like. for young girls now. xD since i was real into that in gr 8. i feel like i've grown up from sports anime unless it's REAAAAAALLY good. dsfhskuef or short enough that i can make it through. (but then again eyeshield has some yummy pairings...)
Where in Japan exactly? Tokyo? Osaka? I really like Kobe for some reason. Everybody looks really nice *A* GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
I've been rp-ing a bit cause I missed it ;A;. But I guess I sorta lost my drive and it just doesn't feel the same.
Buuuut it's summer! I don't start school until September so I'm trying to enjoy every bit of it! Although my mom's pressuring me to go find a job, life's okay. I've started watching Eyeshield 21 and it's pretty interesting.
Hiruma is so freakin' hilarious. :D
Aw man, Hiruma just makes the series xDDDD There are a whole bunch of other characters I love too! Have you met Yuki yet? :D
God he's awesome! And all the characters are awesome!!!
Yuki? Not yet....I'm only on episode 60!
YOU DERP Yuki is the bald guy! Yukimitsu Manabu I think his full name was.... If you're on episode 60 you deeeefinitely met him already xDDD He's the tall skinny balding guy who always tries reeeeallly hard :>
I looooove his determination! Hopefully, he'll get to play in a game ^_^ But for some reason I don't like Sakuraba :P I mean, I know he works hard but he just doesn't appeal to me! Maybe it's because of his fangirls!
I read the manga and.... ~*SPOILERS*~ HE DOES ;D But yeah, I don't really like Sakuraba either! I dunno, the Ojo White Knights kinda.... don't really appeal to me that much, to be honest. I looooove the Wild Gunmen though *___*
I SHOULD PROBABLY READ THE MANGA. Gahhh But sometimes, I hate clicking [NEXT] over and over =.= BUT AHHH YAYYYY YUKIMITSU GETS TO PLAY. Ojou White Knights are okay. The Wild Gunmen are hilarious. I love Tetsuma? Is that the guy who's like a train? and Kid! But but but I also love Poseidon's uniforms. AND THEY'RE ALL SO FREAKIN' TALL. Buuuuut in the end I love the Devil Bats!
and yeah. idk why i'd update with my lj. xD it's just. i hate boring my flist with something so mundane like my life with pretty much the same thing happening over and over.
SAME!!! I feel like there's nothing really exciting in my life :\
ugh idk pot is like. for young girls now. xD since i was real into that in gr 8. i feel like i've grown up from sports anime unless it's REAAAAAALLY good. dsfhskuef or short enough that i can make it through. (but then again eyeshield has some yummy pairings...)
lol it is...I mean....it's full of middle schoolars and when I read it I feel like a pedo.
yeah im like. pretty decided. i love that place. and the language. and the people. and their culture. i just hafta plan and save carefully. xD
Where in Japan exactly? Tokyo? Osaka? I really like Kobe for some reason. Everybody looks really nice *A* GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
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