Just a rambling about the season finale. Obviously spoilers up to 414
Wow, that was just……. flat. Every season has ended with B/J and I think Cowlip made a huge error by putting Ben/M as the last scene in season 4. They should have put them where they belonged, before the B/J scene. It was just wrong on so many levels that it left me cold. Not only that but after the beginning of the season where we had so many little kisses between B/J, the lack of kissing - 413 spinning scene duly noted - was so out of character for the two of them.
In 122 we had the kiss in the garage
In 220 we had no kiss but they were breaking up
In 314 we had the kiss on the steps at Woodys sealing their commitment to each other - and then apparently they kissed after they walked into the crowd but for some reason Cowlip didn’t use it in the final cut.
In 414 we get no kiss… WTF?? Their commitment is supposed to be stronger than ever, no kiss at the end of the bike race, no kiss in the loft after the ‘move back in’ would it have killed Cowlip to let Justin kiss him softly either of those times.
I think on the one hand I like the boys becoming men theme they tried to run with this year, but I still never got past my Michael hate, I think I just hate the character period. I would hate in RL to know any 30 year old man that was that immature. Every time I see him I just want to be Cher in Moonstruck where she slaps Nicholas Cage across the face and says "snap out of it" He’s just too whiny, too needy, too pathetic for my taste. Loved the growth in Ted’s character, loved Emmett, Ben was pretty much an afterthought all season, but being paired with someone as dull as Michael has it’s drawbacks. Hunter took up too much screen time, Deb and the lesbians need to find another show to be on, they are wasting valuable screen time. I’m sorry but Deb ate every bit of oxygen in the room in every scene she was in - way over the top. I’ve also felt like that about Mel from the beginning, too much of everything. Subtle is not in her vocabulary. Lindsay, I love you cause you’re Canadian in RL but your character is a wimp, no backbone and your Brian love is to squicky.
My B/J love is the only thing that will keep me coming back in Season 5 but I don’t think I’ll spend this hiatus searching high and low for fanfic.