Happy Mother's Day

May 14, 2006 17:41

To any mothers reading this, have a happy day.

My abscence this week is due to Mother's Day, or rather a Mother's Day gift. For Christmas my mom bought me a really nice Serger sewing machine for that robes business that didn't work out. I mean, I didn't really try to make it work out, for a number of reasons including that after a few hours of sewing my neck really begins to hurt. But anyway, so one day I mentioned to her that one day I would like us both to go to the fabric store and pick out some fabric so I can make her a nice pair of pijamas. Then she said, "I'd rather you learn to crochet and make me a poncho!" So I thought that would be a perfect this to do for Mother's Day.

This poncho that I'm working on is classified as "easy," but it's taken me over 15 hours and I'm not even done yet. It consists of a series of squares that will eventually be sewn together. I can only do about four squares an hour and by that point my hand is killing me. So progress has been slow. But all the squares are finished. Right now I'm in the middle of winding the stray yarns through the crocheted bits so they don't snag or run. Then I have to sew all 42 squares together, throw on a border, and then attach some tassle-y things. I got her and Richard donuts and coffee for breakfast. I'd like to finish the poncho today, but it might not be possible. I just took a break to change the graphics here because the main title one looked boring.

Friday night Richard went to play poker again and mom and I hung out all night. We saw RV which wasn't bad. Very silly, but definitely a laugh fest. Then we came home and stayed up until 3AM watching Pride & Prejudice. That movie was freaking awesome. I don't know why, I just loved it so much. We went out to dinner last night for Mother's Day, which was nice, although we went to the same place we always do. Oh well, mom's choice.

I'm looking forward to finishing this poncho so I can start learning to play the guitar. It's just under one month until my birthday, and I'd like to sort of give myself the gift of knowing how to play. I'm also going to get this podcasting thing figured out, because I love listening to podcasts and would really like to have my own.

Well, I'd better get back to work!
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