Sep 02, 2009 09:41
Сегодня в 5 утра у моей сестрёнки родился второй сын. Кесарево. Надеялась сама родить, но не получилось...
Буду молиться за всех за них, чтобы всё было хорошо с беби и с Наташкой.
Прийти и обнять их долго ещё не смогу - она родила в Саудовской Аравии...
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Prayers would be most welcome, since Natasha doesn't feel very well after that cesarean operation. She born her elder son herself, so it was a bit unpleasant for her to be operated. But I spoke to her today, she said she felt better. After 5 days in the hospital she and the baby (he's supposed to be named Rami, and old Arabic name) must be home, so she'll be able to contact us by skype and ICQ, and phone. I hope she'll manage to go through all that (she has no help at home, since her husband is in the office all day).
I pray for all of them, and for you, too, my dear friend, Judy!
I prayed prayers of thanks for all of you that all went well and Rami is healthy.
Remember Sunday 6PM your time ... :) I look forward to it.
Thank you for your prayers, the baby and the mom are both ok now.
Khaled, my sister's husband, has just sent me the pic of Rami Khaled Khalil, my new nephew. He's so sweet!)) Dani (8), Natasha's elder son, is very proud of having held his new-born brother in his hands. I think they are all very happy now, so are we, as well.
Prayers know no boundaries and are not limited by distance. It is the good will that matters.
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