Dec 11, 2005 19:00
One more week.... Thank God. I need a break from my LIFE right now. I had conferences with Stacy and Pearson this week and they both went great. As I already mentioned, my duet is being considered for final demos, which is awesome, but the really cool thing about talking to them was that they both recognized who I am and what I have to offer, but they see the rut I'm in and that I don't know how to get out of it. Of cpurse it's mostly a personal thing, but they gave me suggestions that are already helping me. Pearson said I can do anything, I'm smart, etc... I just have to ask myself more questions... No mas first choice only choice stuff.
I got all of my Christmas shopping done and presents wrapped and under my pretty pink tree. Hallelujah!
I'm excited to see people over break. Wish I was staying for New Years though....
- Erin, Enron, E-Mc