Jun 19, 2005 14:48
So, I've been coming home late a bunch of nights, and I'm kind of in trouble. You know, as much trouble an 18 year old who is going to college can be. so I decided that I'm not leaving the house at all today.
Last night wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. By the time I got there, a bunch of people had left, and I only met a grandma, a few stepsisters and some aunts. And I hugged his mom happy birthday. That was a little frightening. Zach was drunk by the time I got there. Definitely the funniest thing ever. I was going to take a picture of all the beer bottles there were, but I couldn't find my camera.
I'm sad I missed Christine's, Allie's and Travis's graduation parties. Why does everything have to be on the same day??
2 months from today, I'm going to be at college... Freaking out for the first day of classes.
On Friday night, Em and Sarah Yoo and I watched the Notebook, and it was still really sad. I was sniffling the rest of the night. And Mike and I can do the run-up-and-kiss thing, it's really cute I want a picture of it.
the notebook,