Fulfilling yet another promise I made last month to my housemates (as well as to my dear friend
amusingmuse), I have started drawing by hand again. No computer, no mouse, no photo references, no models, no light table, no bells and whistles...just plain, ordinary, right out of my head line drawings.
I've been a tabletop gamer for 30+ years, and for a great deal of that time I would usually spend the game drawing quick-and-dirty portraits of the characters in said game. When I used to frequent conventions, I would rent the corner of a table somewhere and do character sketches for people for 5 and 10 bucks a pop. There were times when I actually earned rent money over a weekend.
Over the past ten years or so, I've let my drawing go, pretty much. Part of it was spending waaaaay too much time on the computer. Another part was discovering a real love for CGI art. But my friends and my partner have long bemoaned the fact that I was letting what talent I had fall fallow.
Welp, I shall do so no more.
When I get the scanner up and running again I'll show some of the stuff off. A couple of them are pretty good, I think.