Okay, keeping my promise.

May 22, 2011 15:27

Mobi-con was this weekend and I managed to hook up with my very very longtime friend amusingmuse. One of the first things she did was read me the riot act about not posting for over a year or so, and I have to own that I haven't been very communicative of late. I could trot out all kinds of lame excuses for going all hikikomori, but none of them can justify abandoning my friends online, and for that, I'm truly sorry.

One of the few areas in which I've remained active is my lifelong love for dolls. I made some 3D art cartoons featuring my lovelies which I promised to share at the first opportunity. So, here.

My current favorite favorite (1 year and counting, ever since I took her off the shelf!), Cherry (or Chae-ri, which is her real name), expressing her views on how to define an Asian ball-jointed doll (ABJD).

My favorite art to date. Most of the Dollieh Krewe (l-r: Megumi, Ashe, Cherry and Belle) watching The Doll Master.

Cherry welcoming the latest (also one of the earliest, in another form) member of the krewe, Miyae.

Ashe giving Miyae attitude, which isn't very smart considering who Miyae is and how big she is.

This sums up Belle's general demeanor perfectly.

Megumi and Miya were actually my two first Obitsus. My current Miyae is a Moxie Teenz Tristen with red hair and transplanted blue eyes.

Probably my second favorite picture in this series...Cherry meets the infamous Mignonette, who is a "true" ABJD right down to the polyurethane resin, overpriced outfit and frou-frou French name.

Remember what I said about Ashe and attitude? Her biggest problem is that, alone of all the krewe, she really is a Barbie. No one (sane) rags her about it, but it's a severe sore point with her.

For those who thought Megumi was a stable personality. She's an evil overlord's minion and doesn't care for rampant stupidity.

I meant to continue Mignonette's misadventures, but by this time I figured the joke had pretty much run its course.

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