Yet another meme, watch out!

Nov 24, 2006 23:48

Gacked from katzedecimal.

1) Pick one of my characters. If you can't remember names, a vague description will do, as long as it's enough to jog my memory.

2) I will tell you the origin of his/her name.

3) I will tell you random facts surrounding his/her creation.

4) I will give you a random fact of his/her backstory.

5) I will give you a random fact of his/her forestory.

6) You may ask me up to ten questions about the character

7) I will give you one TMI fact. (And if you don't want that, please specify. If you want more than one, you're a pervert, but so am I, since I'm offering TMI in the first place.)

Here are my primary OCs in fanfic. This is not an exhaustive list and if you're curious about someone who's not listed here, feel free to ask about her!

Dark Shadows: Charlotte Collins
Dragonball Z: Crystal Silver, aka Cyborg 18*; Jet Silver, aka Cyborg 17*
Fantastic Four: Cherry Moon
Final Fantasy VII: Ceilys Walpurga
Gatchaman: Washio Miyae
Harry Potter: Prudence Hawthorne
Highlander: Lucinda Drake
Jonny Quest: Pearl Bannon
Legion of Super-Heroes: Vesta Garr/Nova
Pokemon: Sayuri/Gina Giovanni
Vampire: the Masquerade: Ashe
X-Men: Miriko Kagami/Mirror
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Hino Erika

* #17 and #18 are series characters, but I created a backstory for them and chose "human" names for them, so I think they qualify.
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