Just got back from celebrating a new friend's birthday; i'm glad i changed my plans -- it was such a delight to get out to Lappe with Liz, Lora, Katie, and Julia. Liz is one of my favourite local artists. I was really happy to be invited to her darling camp. We had homemade pirrika by Lora (warmed by the woodfire), i made pasta salad, we drank some yummy cloudberry liquor and beer and then eventually made way to a first sauna for the season. We shared stories about cults, dating, travel, art, music, quirks of the education system, and work. I felt so full and content mind, body, spirit; it was hard to return back to my apartment but here I am, before bed and thinking about nice warm night the silhouette landscape of trees lining the semi frozen lake and hush yellow glows. Coming out of the sauna to a dark, starry sky is the best. hucking the snow and carving out a lil trail felt so satisfying
Spring is here, i feel it today because:
Liz played Tragically Hip and we both love Sam Roberts and his music often reminds me of hot, sweaty tanktops and crowding right up front
And opening up the sunroof
And I forgot my block of marble cheese in my car and it started to melt.
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