Unsent Letter to Mayor Ford

Jul 19, 2012 10:09

In response to this link: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/cityhallpolitics/article/1228366--scarborough-shooting-mayor-rob-ford-says-gang-members-should-leave-the-city

I write an Unsent Letter to Mayor Ford

Dear Mayor Ford,

You are not addressing some issues.

I was reading the article in The Star and maybe their report is one that isn't representive of what you're trying to say or get across to Toronto citizens. I don't live in Toronto and I haven't been exposed to or experienced physical violence, gang activity, or really any sort of complex form of structural violence, and I don't know much about the shootings and I don't really express strong opinions on things I haven't experienced but I am wondering if you can tell me some information:

Who are these people participating in acts of violence? -- What are their ages? What are their names? Do they have family? Where do they live? How do they live?
What are they frustrated about?
What interests them?
What opportunities and in what ways can they have to participate in Toronto life?
Why do you think they aren't engaged in activities that are non-violent and instead shoot shit up?
Where do these guns come from?
What other forms of violence are occuring in the affected neighborhood that the shootings took place - have those incidents increased over the year?
What makes being a Toronto citizen, 'desirable'? - You said you want to make 'being a thug' undesirable.

Though suicide and shootings are different things -- I'm curious, what would you do about suicide?
Do you take a similar mentality as builders or people of influence in the city, who come before you:
Build physical walls or walls around bridges (e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Edward_Viaduct) to address a social issue that is intangible and affects networks of people?
I'm likely generalizing in this context, and I do not have any facts or figures but maybe you can share some of your insight and discussions with other politicians.

I think you might have a different idea -- but then mabe you won't based on your thoughts about bike lanes as a daily cyclist myself... You are brash when you say this, and it makes me smirk:

"What I compare bike lanes to is swimming with the sharks. Sooner or later you're going to get bitten... Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks, not for people on bikes. My heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but it’s their own fault at the end of the day."[78] On May 25, 2009, Ford said, "It's no secret, okay. The cyclists are a pain in the ass to the motorists."

Now getting back to the shootings bit, which is what spurred me to write to you...

I think your selection of terms "idiot thugs" and proposal to "declare war" on gangs, demonstrates an excellent and solid observation and proposal for action. However, Where are the voices of the neighbourhoods affected (especially if it is an isolated incident)? How are they represented? How will you be recruiting for your war? Have you stared down one of these 'thugs' and talked to them to tell them to get out of your city?

What will be your weapon of choice?

Idiot thugs are people and you imply that they are vermin -- to be driven out. They don't participate positively in Toronto civic life and you express wanting them out. Where will they go? What other city would want idiot thugs, anyway?

Going back to the concept of 'desirable', in another article, you say: “We must use every legal means to make life for these thugs miserable, to put them behind bars, or to run them out of town” “We will not rest until being a gang member is a miserable, undesirable life.”

You are so action-oriented and hopeful, sir.

But! What if being an idiot-thug within the world of idiot-thugs is most desirable by an idiot-thug? What if you by stating this, you create desire for young idiot-thugs to thrive and incidents no longer are isolated.
(Now I'm just playin' whicha brain and your words, sir).

So what happens to those people that are sent out of Toronto?
Can you give me examples or case studies?

Why did you turn away federal moneys for a prevention program?

Who are these "irresponsible parents" that you refer to in another article from The Star?
Is there a connection between those who participate in these unfortunate and dangerous acts?
Why are these parents more irresponsible than other parents?
How do you know they have parents, if not single, heteronormative, divorced, queer, who are these people again?

I agree with you - jobs as one way of beginning to address this broad issue of why shootings might be happening.
I have a proposal for you, Mayor - Football. Start a gang of football players, give them proper roles, give them protective equipment. You were into football, right? Maybe you can coach the idiot-thugs into football players and get them excited about that instead of throwing them behind bars.

I don't know if the folks you refer to as idiot-thugs are male or female or anything like that because you don't mention it but you do imply they are a certain age, and probably male. If there are women idiot-thugs, I'd be keen to meet them and talk with them.

I don't know what I'm talking about and you will never read this letter, because it will remain unsent so I will now gush about what I like about you.

I think it is important that you are angry about these shootings and want to do something. I think that using the language that you do is emotive, but won't help or influence with shifting people's perceptions and looking at structural and physical violence in a way that moves it out of the realm of 'fighting' instead of creating or building or healing.

But then -- the words I use instead are limiting too, and mean nothing because I am not a citizen of Toronto, though I do care that these unfortunate things are happening in a place I like to visit frequently and have close friends in.

We have different ideas and different interests and ways of looking at cities, let alone the city of Toronto.
I speak for no-one in particular. You have the power and ability to speak for so many and influence.

I wonder, do you fear idiot-thugs?

I don't know anything about you, but I am reading a bit about you and I see you're focused on four main themes: "putting people and families first, focusing on the fundamentals, reducing waste and eliminating unnecessary taxes."

With this, I ask you: Where do idiot-thugs fall -- 'people' or 'waste'?

Maybe who I am actually questioning is The Star's flat-representation of your plan and reaction to the shootings; it seems they're usually up in your face and it's an ongoing relationship with them which is their job.
Anyway, I hope I won't have to worry about being shot, getting in for curfew, next time I visit Toronto.

On a final note, I like your moxie, Mayor Ford.

Your friendly, queer, Oriental girl who thoroughly enjoys riding a bicycle and makes efforts to signal appropriately.

toronto, news, anthro concepts, unsent letters

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