About two Fridays ago, the custodian at work and I learned something new about each other.
This is the man who once said to me: "My God, my God, you are the perfect woman for me". To which I awkwardly responded, "Thanks! I have to go drop something off at main campus". Upon return that afternoon, he also asked to take a photo of me with his cell-phone which I said was really weird.
He was cleaning the glass on my office-door and smiling. He was telling me about starting his orientation as a personal support worker which lead to us talking about how we both enjoy being busy and working. Somehow his questions lead to one question that he has been asking me since I started working at the office in October:
D: "32. And you? How old are you? Boyfriend........... girlfriend?"
me: "Flip it around. 23. I'm seeing someone."
D: "That's good. I'm single. Can you find me someone?"
me: "I will give you info about the technologist program at the college! But I can't find you anyone."
He used to be an X-Ray technologist in the Philippines. His family still lives in the Philippines; he sends money home to his mother, brother, and sister.
I wonder though, does he really see me for who I am, though - at this very moment?
I wish he could sweep me off my feet with that one line, but he just swept the floor.
And who am I anyway?