Headlights Look Like Diamonds

Nov 03, 2005 23:11

Yes, imagine a big cuddly group of old (some near elderly), some middle-aged, gossipy Chinese women at a funeral pulling each other's under eyes to examine whether or not they are iron deficient. My mother and father went to a friend of the family's funeral today and my mother brought this story back for me. I enjoy being a comprehensive ear and an attentive girl to stories.

Iridology & the colour red
So I get my rosy blush colour, thank you to my mother. That is one of our charms among other things. Anyways, she saw an old friend as she tells me. When they shook hands, the lady noted her hands were cold and asked her if she was - they of course were chattering in mother tongue. So my mother explains (I assumed she was talking for what seems like forever, always...) And the lady (She is - I'm not sure - a sister-in-law of this lady I practice my poor butchering of language in simple greetings and questions when I see her in the summer on walks). And then the lady comments on her colour of her cheeks were naturally blush, in fact she noted a nice, good, healthy colour. She immediately examined mother closer. She is a nurse. And I think a very interesting one because the next thing she asked my mom to do was to reveal the bottom part of her eye. She suggested my mom just rest more and have more meats, some (probably) horrible-tasting-herbal tea; try to relax and not worry so much (as the doctor suggested too.) So the lady was thrilled when my mom was interested in that too - At which point the lady got bombarded by concerns from the other women and it must have been it funny little moment She showed me and we laughed and were looking in the mirror. We talked about medicine and funny things for bit. It was nice.

...Now this brings back memories when my father got a checkup when we were on vacation by some top-notch fast-talking Mandarin doctor. By home appointment, courtesy my grand uncle. That was funny. I can pick out bits of Mandarin - I mean just listening. He checked his pulses and alot of different examining of things like his mouth and explained quite accurately what my mom has always told him about what foods to avoid and other random things. (Has my dad's eating habits changed- only a bit. He's like the pickiest adult I know.) And back in the day when I used to work, i was getting to distinguish between Spanish speakers in California to Spanish speakers in Texas. Then there are sometimes, chinese (I know because the husbands murmur furiously to their wives about not getting they're damn rebates) Texans with the slow-fast drawl... I like the New York 'en and the Texas and then it occured to me that: what fun to put on a different accent at work every day. (Maybe when I pickup again in the summer after school is finished).I love accents, dialects- interest me and language in general. It's music. And then combined with body language? Beautiful.

On the last weekend my mom's friend randomly called and my mom was out with my dad to aforementioned funeral. (she needed extra help at her restaurant but my mom is already working a job). So oh, no I told her to call back in the afternoon and gave her a timeframa and everything and I didn't even realize i was speaking some half-english and mother-tongue (atleast I thought so) until she commented on my ability to speak it well. I always forget how to say words. I was surprised and said thanks and then we started talking about her restaurant, the Sampan. And I asked her questions. I remember when they first started out and having a big milkshake with my sister and their food being served elegantly on wooden sampan and cute dishes. It's on the other side of town. She offered me a job too and to train me. I'd take it on, but it is quite far distance to get there.

Actually, you know it is rather strange. The aforementioned, my long for home-made perogies, my parents just attending a funeral - it seems - just last weekend.

Artist: Arcade Fire
Album: Arcade Fire [EP]
Year: 2005
Title: Headlights Look Like Diamonds

The red lights mean you’re leaving
The white one’s mean returning
Tell me how this story ends
And I’ll keep them fires burning

The headlights look like diamonds
The taillights burn like coals
Tell me how this story ends
Before the fires go cold

The countryside’s deserted
There’s no one on the farms
The suburbs all are sleeping
The earthquakes set off car alarms

All after all now we aware
All after all the time we share
There’s so much fears of world,
Types of world,
Tears of world

remember, family, accents, food

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