university is a lot more fun than highschool. everything is bigger. the door handle to the agora is like the height of me, though Janna and Mike and I found a door that is the size of me under the bridge by the lake. after english Janna by chance found me and we found Mike playing video games at the study, as usual and walked around campus. bulletin boards a mass with selling things, jobs and music and things. Mike's playing open mic tomorrow at the study (8pm)- i really want to go, so i hope he plays later in the night because it will be after work for me. Janna left for the library and Mike and I played video games for a bit. Thursday night, i'm thinking of heading to the Used show - possibly on terms of volunteering (Red Cross efforts for Hurricane Katrina). My sister will be jealous - i said i'd like to take her if she really wants to go, but she upturned her nose too many times , like Good Charlotte - (now she's happy we went). anyways, i need to sort out a cover letter - found a few jobs to apply for... i haven't been drawing so much as i'd like to and i'll get back to the last post for those little requests. yesterday i bought a (required ) hot white lab coat and i'm going to emblazen my name on the back of it like a rockstar.
actually, they're just toothpicks.
the end.