UGH! <3

Oct 22, 2008 09:52

Hey all!
I'm all sorts of stressed out and decided i needed to vent.
But then decided that it would do me no good and it would be pointless.Fuck the negitive, embrace the positive!
Realizing this made the wanting to vent thing go away and make me feel better.
Here is a quick shout out to all of the LJ users (plus more)that have put a smile on my face, have helped me procrastinate for the sake of my sanity, help me with my articles or read them, or have just been there in some way.

(Psssst: This part gets mushy)

Kohai Darling: Thanks for being there on aim when our schedules dont EVER mesh anymore *sigh* due to oppisite work and school schedules. (also, thanks for the teaching of the photoshopping and such, bitching with me about work shit, helping me procrastinate just a little despite the work I need to get done, and for any other randomness that happens to ensue when we are actually around each other)And also, bringing me back to reality, picking me up when I fall, and covering my ass in any way needed (specially with work)Anyone tell you your awesome today? And that Hogwarts is missing out on an awesome student? HUUUUMMMM?

Cute-lyn: Your just f-ing adorkable. Your smile makes me happy on the inside. Thanks for coming out to shows with me, keeping calm when we get lost, and having the rationale to find our way to where we need to go, telling me to keep it cool (when I'm lost or getting ready for an interview), and reading my articles and giving me good constructive critisism that betters myself as a writer. Also for dancing with me at the club, lisining to me bitch about whatever I'm pissed about and giving me awesome advice and inspiration on music. You rock.

Keny-weny-wendel-doll: The things you say just make me smile. Thanks for dancing it up and sharing some awesome times. I'm glad that we at least get to see each other once a week. More would be awesome, but I'll take what I have and be happy with it. I look forward to our Mondays together.

There are sooo many more, though they dotn have LJ so why bother? But to everyone else that does have one that I may be leaving out. I still love you. Thanks for being my FRWEND!<3
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