So for those of you who havent heard, its over between Ron n I, but it was mutual and we've decided to stay friends, which was how the relationship was at the end anyhow. So really I don;t think of it as a loss, but as a gianing of a friend...but it still hurts a little bit.
Anyhow..I'm on th prowl again. Look out baby cause here I come!
ps. had an AMAzing weekend hangin out with Cait n the AKAs...too much to type here, but if you would really like to know, gime a shout..but be prepared to listen to me babble for a good 10 minutes. in essence though, we hung with them for both shows, had a great time, was ont heir guest list, got free stuff, on their street team...ummm...yeha.good times n such
pss. ummm..i cut like...a few inches off my hair..pic here (you can kinda see it)