Bitchen Weekend, Time with Ron and Just Life

Mar 04, 2008 23:20

So this past weekend was fucking amazing. Got to see Creature Feature and the AKAs and hang with them both nights n such...played pool and went to City Club and the Lab/I-Hop n such, they are amazing people to hang with. Good stuff. Got incredibly sick for like..a day....and have been worried about Bella, she seems to be ok, but she has a bit of swelling around her insicion site, but I'm takign her in tomarrow for the stich removal ne how, so hopefully shes fine...
Got to spend most of today with Ron today, which was needed and spent wonderfully. We napped and talked and went out to eat. And talked and talked and talked. We paln on going to a few museums soon and whatnot. Hes totally into going to see any kind of museum, art gallery etc.. That makes me really happy, casue no guy I have been with has been willing to go to stuff like that with me before, so I can't wait to go places like that with him. We plan on going to see some independant films in March at the DIA, checking out the Milford Historical Museum sometime after school lets out and we spoke about checking out the Henery Ford Museum or the Cranbook Institute of Science etc...Oh! and when he asked me about my birthday (I have no idea where it came from) we started talking about his (which is in May) and what we should do to celebrate, and he said he would love to take me to like..Chicago for the weekend and just do whatever, check out the scene, museums whatever. He said we could go anywhere I wanted really, but Chicago and even Ann Arbor were really mentioned, but he said anywhere (of course it would be for a weekend and withen reason). But I thought it was really sweet. We also were talking about going camping in the summer a few times, which is really cool. We both love to camp and this is something we can do together and realy enjoy. I know this is a few months from now, but when he was talking about this with me, it was just...wonderful. I think that it is his way of expressing that he really wants to be with me for a while. hummm...
So yes. I suppose thats what really has been going on lately besides the work/school stuff. Family is doign well. Mom is going through menopause, boys are great, and Dad should be getting his surgery withen the next month...but I rather not think about that until the time comes.
Well..I suppose I have procrastinated my paper long enough. Tata
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