Dec 18, 2005 18:18
This sucks!!!!!!! I have no holiday spirit, I MISS BEING STUARTS GIRLFRIEND,I WANT HIM BACK, he told ma mate on MSN that were not gona get back together, why do guys hurt you sooooo much? I just wana cry.... thats all ive been doin tho, ma m8s were really surprised im not over him,wt is actually wrong with me? You guys know i dont cry over guys, i really liked him, like he said "maybe not true love" but it was love, n i miss it, i just want him back,it's breaking my heart, but people have said he's moved on,n that I should too, i dont know. I told him how I felt n he never said anything, i just thought he'd fight for me more, I think the biggest surprise is that he didnt at all.