Melissa and I had a discussion before I got here and decided that I could have my summer off. I wouldn't have to work if I didn't want to, I could do whatever I wanted to as long as I continued to take care of my own financial matters (pay my own credit card and phone bills, basically). I have been TOTALLY fine with this. We have had so many friends and family coming to visit (and whom we have been visiting) that I haven't really had time to even look for a job. Our last guest left this past Sunday and on the way to a softball game on Monday, I received a call from our leasing office asking if I would like a part time job. So, as of this evening I begin working as a summer pool attendant. I get to check pool chemicals, water the plants, and enforce the "no diving" rule. I work this weekend as well, which kind of sucks but is pretty perfect because the final Harry Potter will be coming out on Saturday night after I close the pool. I'll be able to go to the release party, read all night, nap, and then read all Sunday afternoon while sitting by the pool. Pretty perfect, I think.
One of my absolute most favorite comics, xkcd, ran a comic in which the characters glued chess pieces to a board and had their picture taken playing chess on a roller coaster. The awesome thing is that people are actually doing it in real life! I hate roller coasters, but that looks like fun.
As I've mentioned before, I had a great time at the wedding this weekend. I just thought that I should reiterate that point.
I have a bunch of fresh zucchini and squash. any recipe suggestions? lots of tofu too.
okay, time to start dinner/lunch, shower, and go to work (weeeeeird).