(no subject)

Jul 02, 2007 11:47

KOL released new content. I was getting bored with the game and not playing until the new stuff was released.  Now I want to play it all the time but I don't because I know better. sort of.

The internet has been pretty wonky here.  It works some days for about 15 minutes, and then not at all for a few days, and then fine for a few days...it's nuts. Melissa is going to call comcast soon to figure it all out.

My family is coming to visit this weekend (Mom, her boyfriend, my sister, her boyfriend, my grandma, and possibly two young cousins).  They will be here Thursday-Sunday.

Went to IKEA this past weekend and fell in love.  We bought the biggest, softest, thickest quilt we could find and both fell in love.  I never want to leave its embrace.  Went to a cook-out at Dave and Lindsey's and had a lot of fun.  Spent time with Melissa's dad on Saturday. He hugged me.  :-D   I planted an herb garden last night.  I woke up when Melissa left for work this morning and washed, dried, folded, and put away all of the laundry.  I don't have much left to do now.

I'm watching Montel right now. The topic is bullying. It's interesting.

My birthday is on Wednesday.  I am getting older. Hopefully I will post again, if we have the internet. 
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