The Plague

May 19, 2006 16:10

The Plague

For the last 72 hours I have been sick.. Starting first with vomiting every half hour. From the second time on though I was just puking yellow stomach bile diluted with the water I had just drank. Then it progressed into both vomiting and peeing out of my asshole at the same time, which is very dehydrating. This was about 20 hours into the sickness and seemed to be at the height of it. Since then my sickness has remained, but is not nearly as severe. For the past two days I have been laying in bed, barley sleeping, barley eating, peeing out of my asshole, and slowly getting better.

I got this sickness from Brent, who originally assumed it was food poisoning because of its sudden and severe attack on the digestive system. This morning two other room mates woke up puking. They have become sick as well. There is only one room mate left in the house who has yet to host this sickness, Tim, who shares a bed with Malia, who is downstairs puking right now. My guess is that Tim is probably already sick, he just wont know it until tomorrow morning when he wakes up puking.
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