The Life Update

Aug 27, 2006 14:21

A lot has been going on since I moved here to Minneapolis. So far I really like the city, I'm still trying to figure out my way around but I'm doing pretty well I must say. I'm still working at Urban Outfitters but go in Tuesday to the Jon English salon for a 2nd interview to be a receptionist/team leader. I hope I get it! I love all the people I've met at the minne urban (minus one person) but I'm just so sick of retail and of getting paid crap for working my ass off. I'm hoping I get the salon job which is in even closer walking distance and hopefully I'd get paid a bit more. I got a part time job working at the Walker Art Center, which is adjacent to the sculpture gardens...

Home to the lovely and famous cherry on a spoon sculpture! My job is to be a "butler" for receptions and events catered by the famous chef Wolfgang Puck. (I don't think he's actually there, the food is just cooked in his name?) But anyway I pretty much walk around and serve people their meals for $14 an hour. Nice! My friend Jen is also trying to get me a freelance job at Philosophy doing skin care and makeup which would be cool as well. I'm hoping all these things work out and I can save up some money and make some dents in my debt. So in the future I can get MORE debt!

I'm thinking about going back to school at the U of Minnesota just to minor in French Studies. I've always loved French and wanted to pursue getting some sort of certification in it, I just have to see if the college will let me just obtain a minor since I already have a bachelors degree. I'd like the opportunity to study abroad as well!! I'm also thinking about applying at the Makeup Designory in Burbank, California for their fashion makeup program. The program looks amazing but costs about 8 grand not including room and board, so thats a whole lotta money to save up for. Granted its a 3 month program so I wouldnt have to pay housing too long but I'm sure its going to be stupidly expensive since its right outside of L.A. Aahh..who knows these are just thoughts in my head that I may want to pursue.

I'm meeting with a friend tonight to check out his new band he possibly wants me to sing for. I'm a little nervous to get back into band craziness but I really do miss performing and writing and singing so we'll see how it goes. I'm curious to see what kind of stuff they're writing.

This weekend I went to the Aveda headquarters to try to be a hair model for their hair show (which is actually taking place today). Little did I realize how HUGE this thing was! There were probably 600 "models" there and there were different aveda teams from all over the world; London, Berlin, Canada, Australia, New York, etc. Anyway each hair team went up and explained what kind of models they were looking for so I figured my best bet would be to try to get in with Tim Hartley (who is apparantley one of London's and the world's best stylists) because he wanted people who are willing to do a big change. So I went over, he checked out my hair (which he said was nice! score!) and sent me to sit in a group of girls. After picking about 15 of us out of hundreds he said "ok i can only take 6 of you". And we had to frickin model walk runway style for him. Nerve wracking. He then picked 3 girls to do the runway show and explained the remaining 3 would be for his demonstration class on monday that about 150 people will be attending. Needless to say I got picked for the class so I was pumped! Yesterday was "prep" day and I was at the aveda building from 2:30p till 10:30p! holy crap long day. They ended up cleansing the black out of my hair and making it a rich rusty red. It looks pretty sweet. I can't wait to see what kind of cut he does to it monday. I'll have to post a picture or something. But anyway I got to meet so many cool people from all over the world and I get a $100 aveda gift card out of the deal so im pretty pleased!

My mom and sister just rescued a kitten! They were at my aunts farm and some neighbor dropped off this little orange tiger kitten saying they thought he got in a fight with one of their cats since he had a big gash on the back of his neck. Well my mom knew she couldnt leave him so she took him to the vet, they said that the gash had actually been from a skin parasite and they stitched him up and brought him home. He's absolutely adorable I wish I was home to play with him! I named him Barnaby (awwww), and my mom made a little "turtleneck" for him out of a sleeve off a shirt so he wont itch his stitches.

How can you resist that little face?? He's adorable!!

Anyway I should go clean! my room is a mess. So much going on!!
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