
Jun 18, 2006 20:28

my life is changing in so many aspects, and thats a good thing i like to think. its still weird to me to say that i'm 25. i just got my new driver's license in the mail today and its hilarious.

i still don't think i've accepted the fact that ettison clio is over...for good. playing the last show thursday i defintely felt that i sang the best i've ever sang, especially those songs. but when i think about the fact that i will probably never be singing those songs live again, its...hmm, indescribable i guess. i'm not necessarily sad, just kind of dumbfounded. like wow, what do i do now?

i'm moving probably the 2nd week of july and its coming up soooo fast. At least Sarah found an amazing apartment, im excited to live with her! there's just so much to do still. so many people i need to say goodbye to. so much packing and getting rid of crap and figuring out what the hell im going to do with myself when i move. im hoping big things are on the way. good exciting things that i could never find if i stayed here. i guess thats left to be determined. i know i want to continue playing music, hopefully take the time to work on piano and bass when i go. do some more song writing on my own. i hope that my job at urban will be cool and that they will pay me well. money sucks i wish i didnt have to worry about that aspect. i hope that evan and i have lots of fun and that we are happy. i hope i make a lot of friends and stay in touch with all my friends im leaving...

so much to think about!!

p.s. Happy Father's Day!
p.p.s. Happy Birthday Dave!
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