(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 18:26

Not really alot to say, managed to nab my class ring a few days ago when the Josten's people came, $382.oo!! Who know that a damn piece of metal could be worth so much.. -shrugs- Still have yet to buy my winter formal ticket, though I completely blame that on the incompetance of the Wilson staff. What shit-heads.. First they tell me that I have no text book fines and just when I get to the front of the line to buy my ticket [after waiting 3 different days] they tell me that I am "unable" to buy a ticket. If I haven't already boughtin' my dress and shoes I would just say "screw this" but now I actually have to follow ahead this it.

Christ-mas is right around the corner and I can't wait! I'm actually seeing the perks of having us go to school up until the 23rd. I'm loving this, for once I've gotten all my shopping done a week ahead and everything wrapped. Bridge Secret Santa was today and I have to admit that I was disappointed with what Jamie got me, I thought she knew me better. I mean, what am 'I' going to do with a heart shaped jewelry box. I'm thinking of either giving it to someone else or some friend time walking it up to the Cancer society. I rest of school wasn't to fuck'ed, I managed to turn in my first alegbra II math packet of the entire year. Damn near killed my teacher with the shock of it, now wouldn't that be a miracle enough to celebrate. My fairy god-queer did my make-up at lunch so I actually would shag myself. -grins-

My latest fanfiction isn't doing as well as I thought it would and that has to be the most disappointing dip in my week, no reviews on either of the sites of bjfic. Blah! If you're a qaf fan, as well as a justin/brian fan. go. read. it! now! My Bones fanfiction is written, but I lack the will to type it.

Really need to spend this time over winter break to finish up with the last homework assignments still missing in Environmental, as well as the articles which as going to be thrillll to have to do. 27 articles I believe, thats like having to read and then type up a 27 page essay. I'm going to need to be wasted before I even think about writing that sucker.

Mitch comes back in a few days, and just when I forgot about it only Justin reminded me at lunch today. Thanks! -mutters- sonofabitch..

Nick pitched in 40 bucks to my Law&Order: SVU 1st season boxset. By far the best present recieved this holiday up until now! Thank you darling!  More interesting tidbit of news, I saw Marcus again today for the first time today since quite awhile and I was lucky enough so that I looked shag-worthy! Go me, let that arse-hole eat his heart. Thats what he gets for cheating on my with Spyke of ALL people it just had to be her. Classic.

The only other things that I'm counting down till besides Christmas is the release of the 5th and final season of Queer as Folk on the 19th of January and hopefully with my working a verrryyy long time on New Years I'll have the money to buy it right off the bat. If not then I shall just have to sell my body on the corner of Cherry and PCH, it must be done!! I will have that boxset!

class ring, law & order:svu

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