It strikes quickly, suddenly picking up a person up who was walking past by the leg with one of his demon arms, the other snaking around and pulling the guy in two. the halves of the corpses were held for a moment, the head seeming to jubilate in their kill momentarily.
That was the first corpse to hit the street, baptising it in bloody murder. As soon as they dropped the two halves of the guy, the heads on either side opened their mouths, loosing a swarm of green bugs that split up and began chasing the people from the buldings. The bugs stung and bit them visciously, leaving the skin raw and angry. Bleeding. Flat out missing chunks in some places.
As the swarm attacked, the darkness opened a black hole. People and objects were drawn towards it, sucked into a whirl of chaos as the pandemonium roared through the area. It spared a glance up to the Darkling who had been waiting for a good massacre, and was currently only staying put despite almost vibrating with excitement due to it wanting to avoid a permanent death. It put the videophone down where it could still record and joined in the chaos jubilantly. "Fuck yes!" It laughed as it climbed up the nearest person to him once he'd poofed down to the floor, and ripped his throat apart. "Too loong, too fucking long~" It all but crowed joyously as it pulled the claw across the skin. Once the corpse hit the floor, it defiled his corpse by urinating on it. It flung insults and even hummed the fucking british national anthem as it rode the panicking NPC's like bucking horses. It's a stark reminder that while it prefers Jackie, it was ultimately created by the Darkness to help create mayhem and that while it's kept on a leash, it has the potential to be a deadly ally.
All the while that's going on, the darkness has been picking people up, and dismembering them in varying and increasingly bloody ways. Slicing them in half with strong whips of the demon arm on his right, bladed fins extending from it to cause extra damage. It even reached out and grabbed items to throw, anything long and cylindrical used in a javelin-like manner, thrown at and through people and skewering them to the fronts of buldings, flat objects with even a semi-sharped edge being used to slice them apart with a throw.
Eventually, the bugs fade out to nothing, the black hole pushes outwards as it disappears, raining blood and debris across the streets.