Jun 03, 2004 21:11
wow today was long, eventful, and I can't remmber a god damned thing before the last 2 hours!! I worded 12 horus today, 8 regular and 4 over time so I got 4$ extra per hour (time and a half from 8 bucks which is my reg wage). anyways, it was good cuz Carlos taught me some more about wiring up houses and shit. The really cool part is before we left he says I' make it to electrical mechanic in 3 months!! that's like record time for most of the electricians at Buhl! I think I can do it, but in the long run it really doesn't help me much. the whole reason why I'm there is to get my master license which still requires 4 years of on the job training and 4 years of classroom time (I learned today you can get the classroom time done in 1 year but ti's hard as fuck and you still need the 4 years of work soo sob, it's gonna be 4 years till my master license.
I'm pondering the idea of trying to find a girlfriend in the area and just ignoring the idea of being with erin, it sounds horrable to me and unlikely I'll find someone as great as her here but I gotta do something bout all this heavy hearted shit. I know like maybe 3 girls that'd work but I don't really love any of them I mean I guess in time I could but the feelings just arn't there as of the present.
still into the black metal, still shredding like a badass, I need to buy a keyboard though cuz this is getting rediculous playing on this out of tune piano (sounds cool but fucking me up) since Iv'e been working Iv'e had like only bout an hour or 2 a night to play music, which is cool cuz I've fanatic about every second of it. the thing that worries me is I'm gonna get too comfortable only playing for an hour or 2 a night and then I'm gonna suck at it. to be a world class musician you need a good 8 hours of practice per day under your belt and that's some serious shit too not just what my jazz teacher calls "gassin yourself out". I want to be a good guitar player and a good keyboardist but it's so hard to work and practice at the same time. I've already tried getting gigs lined up but none of them pay very much (or anything at all)
I guess I have to do this for at least 4 years till I get my master license or I can get some kind of break and just quit the electricians bizz all together (they rehire people that quit so I could probly do that like ONCE and probly go back)
well tha'ts it for now, gotta wash the blood and sweat off me and... um... hybernate I guess, holy shit I'm really starting to feel tired now *yawn* later all