What an entertaining episode. I was absolutely enthralled from beginning to end.
What I loved most about Lockdown was the novelty of it. When do we have this much suspense packed into 43 minutes? I was kept on the edge of my seat, that's for sure.
I liked how Flynn made a point that Lex was in such a rush to obtain the ship that he didn't even check to see if any of the police officers were alive. It was a fleeting moment, but it's another one of those puzzle pieces that will eventually add up to Lex becoming Clark's archenemy.
Loved Martha's line about Pete and Chloe accepting Clark as a friend, no matter his origin. She always knows what to say.
I fail to see how Lex saved Lana's life. He didn't shield her at any time; he just happened to be the unlucky one who got shot. This was a big, big point Lana made to both Clark and Lex, so I would have liked for this act of heroism to actually appear genuine.
I really liked the scene with Lana tending Lex. Lex's goofy talk about hair was just light enough. We still felt the race against time, but we could also loosen up a bit and laugh. Him mentioning the Lexmas dream was gold as well.
I did not like the music when Clark and Chloe were at the hospital. The carefree score was supposed to enhance Chloe's and Clark's sleuthing, but all it did was annoy me, because it felt like the pace was slowing down. Balance is a good thing, sure, but at that point I just wanted to see proof that Lex and Lana would live another day.
Tom wasn't overtly remarkable in this episode, but I thought the doubt and fear he displayed when Clark realized there was no explaining away this rescue to Lana was truly phenomenal.
At first I was pissed about the fact that Lana credited Lex for saving her life, but not Clark. Looking back, she might've avoided the topic of Clark just so they wouldn't have to deal with even more tension brought on by that inexplicable save. She was emotionally drained at that point, and more stress is not what she needed.
I loved Lex echoing Lana's sentiment from Visage. Of course, this time around it was Lex talking about Lana, but it was extremely reminiscent of the cave scene.
Kristin and Michael have a lovely chemistry together. They made those panic room scenes very special. I think it's fantastic that Lana can be believable with both Clark and Lex. It makes the triangle a lot more intense.
Adored the super speed upsetting Chloe's homework. Fabulous. Just as funny as Thirst.
Speaking of super speed... "Damn. I wish I could do that." HA! Don't we all?
Clark running through the fireball might be my favorite special effect to date. I couldn't believe my eyes.
I like the tension between Clark and Lana. It's real. Their secrets aren't being swept under the rug for the sake of love; they're going to have to work for this. Good. Because that's exactly how it has to happen outside of the television world.
I'm glad the situation with Martha and Jonathan is at least partially resolved. I can't stand to see them fighting with him only having one week to live.
The villains' back story was surprisingly nice. There was real motivation there, and a clear reason as to why they would take such drastic steps. I do wish they would've shown some hint as to the fact that the two were engaged, though. When she used the term "fiancee" it came as a complete shock, only because we hadn't seen that type of connection between them.
One of my few complaints is the writers' oh-so-tacky foreshadowing. "I can't imagine loving anybody else." BAM, would ya look at that, it's Lois pulling up!!! I resent them trying to cheapen the relationship Clark has right now by constantly slapping us in the face with reminders of the future.
Camille Mitchell, I salute you. If the sheriff really is dead, that is. *raises eyebrow* I'm sorry, I know that moment with Clark above her was supposed to signify that she was really gone, but look at Jason. Anyway, I'll miss her and her 'take no prisoners' attitude.
I am still not digging Erica. I really think she could use some lessons when it comes to subtlety. And while she is a rookie when it comes to acting, I'm not willing to have that be an excuse. Tom was an awesome newcomer, as was Kristin.
Kristin was really strong in this episode. From her despair in the panic room to her determination once she was out, she did a great job.
One of my favorite moments, performance-wise, was definitely Chloe's reaction to the line, "I love her so much." Allison hit that one out of the ballpark.
I'm getting a tad sick of the Daily Planet. We saw Chloe in her dorm for maybe two minutes, but other than that it was all at the Planet. They need to start polishing the illusion that this girl attends college.
Nitpicky thing: Why would they have Lana using a headset to talk to Chloe when, in Reckoning, she uses only her cell phone -- without any extra gadgets -- to call Clark??
*hugs show* IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou. Thanks for the pick-me-up. I wish you could all know how much I appreciate your magnificent presence.
Bring on Reckoning. I'm ready. Losing Jonathan/John will be tough, but at least we're not losing Lana too.